I have been out of this great country on a mission trip and am just getting back into the flow again. When you visit other countries that don't have it as well you get an even greater appreciation for being an American and for all the blessings we have. It is truly amazing to me how the people who live here and whine like babies daily about everything that is wrong with America and the great job our President is doing want to turn to the failed socialist policies that Mr. Kerry and Mr. Edwards want to impose on us that have decimated and sucked the life out of these other countries in the world. Did we not learn our lesson in the failed policies of the Clinton/Gore years that brought us the recession that Bush policies have brought us out of even with the road blocks to the recovery that 9/11 threw up.
My suggestion go to another foreign land, a "third world country" and see how these socialist, left of center, ultra-liberal policies have done. And who is it who always provides the support and funding to keep them going? That's right it is the good ole U.S. of A. as always. And nine(9) times out of ten (10) it is the Haliburton's and the rich that the tax cut allegedly really benefit that provide resource and people to help them out. My suggestion go and see how many would have anything without American corporations products and American support from our government.
A couple of interesting items in the news yesterday. It seems that John Kerry is to busy to get any Terror Briefings, but is isn't to busy to listen and laugh at Whoopi Goldbergs Dirty Jokes. Hope if elected he wouldn't be to busy watching a Whoopi HBO special in a time of crisis! Maybe that is why his Senate attendance record is so poor there is always more important things to do.