Saturday, February 17, 2007

More Snow....

More snow today on top of the foot last week about 3 inches today, boy I am already tired of the snow.

Not feeeling well today, I think I got bit by a spide rin the last week or so. Tried to see a doctor today bit the doctor who was doing the Saturday hours today din't think he could help me so I did not go to see him.

The problem is the bite area is very very sore and hurts and mkes it hard to sitdown. I also don't feel well and it all seems to point to me to a spider bit, but what do I know I am not a doctor...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Day After

After the Blizzard okay snow and ice storm yesterday we had no Middle School or High School events. Actually I didn't even venture out today. I was feeeling a bit under the weather and just took the whole day off.

Next week we are going to go to the Young Adult ministries (Joshua House) Ash Wednesday service should be sweet.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Revamped the blog will add the blogroll later....

National Youth Ministry Conference

Just returned from the National Youth Ministry Conference in Indianapolis put on by SImply Youth Ministry and Group Magazine. It is possible the best Youth Ministry Conference I have attended in my 20 plus years of youth ministry.

Doug Fields, Josh Griffin and Group magazine really put on an outstanding event. The conversational and relational aspect of the event was very welcoming. Being able to walk up to the "biggies" in the field, people how have writtn numerous books and the how to's of youth ministry was quite refreshing.

I am really looking forward to the next one.

Stop by Josh Griffin's Blog to see more highlights and video's of the event.