As I said previous that i was sitting with my leg up. I turned it although I did not break it this time while up in Michigan last weekend for the Cloud 9 Vineyard Youth Retreat. What a great time great worship, Matt Massey brought some good teachings and the atmosphere and food was great a fun filled weekend.
So I did spend a lot of the week with my foot up and on crutches. I was able to have a good time going with my youngest daughter and her class to the Columbus Symphany's students preformance it was a lot of fun.
Also had a lot of fun today with my oldest daughter we went down to the local GOP headquarters and volunteered and worked the 72 hour GOTV effort. What a great time as we help to keep this country going in the right direction. We talked with a ton of folks on the phone banks met some statewide office candidates and really enjoyed being invovled in this great and important effort. Suprising that with all of the anti-republican proganda you here on the liberal dominated media a huge majority of people that I and my daughter both talked to were energized and excited about voting this tuesday and voting GOP!
Well now for a little Buckeye domination on ESPN 2 sorry my Illini friends.