Good news from down under in Australia. One of America's staunch allies and partner with President Bush in The War on Terror, John Howard won re-election and gained more support with his parties pick-up of Senate seats.
This is a key victory in The War on Terror. The Democratic Party had dispatched many of their operatives to Australia to try an influence this election as a referendum on George W. Bush through his allies. Even Senator Kerry's sister campaigned hard in favor of The Labor Party's Mark Latham, a strong anti-Bush, anti-America candidate.
Saturday, October 09, 2004
BUSH - 2, KERRY - 0
Well if you watched the debate to night you saw a President Bush rather handily defeat Senator Kerry on both substance and style.
From the opening question Senator Kerry launched in to an angry accusatory attack on the President. The President showing what truly great leaders are made of landed a huge blow on substance laying out the many changing positions of the Senator on almost every issue and calling him to task on how the tax cuts have enormously benefited EVERYONE in the current economic recovery we are in.
It was like watching a heavyweight championship fight when the champion lands a knockdown blow which the challenger tasks the standing 8 count for and never recovers or clears the fog from his head for the rest of the match.
What was different tonight from the first debate was that for the first time Senator Kerry was forced to deal with his rather dismal 20 plus year Senate record. He was constantly avoiding and running from his legislative record over the last 20 years. Trying to paint a favorable slant on a unfavorable record to most American's. Senator Kerry would skirt and dance around questions at every opportunity.
One especially poignant line of questioning concerned two key issues. Stemcell research and the abortion question late in the debate. Both questions Senator Kerry seemed to ramble on incoherently trying to say on one hand he is a man of faith but then taking very unfaith based stands on both issues. In both cases not really seeming thoroughly committed to his answer. It was especially interesting to her Senator Kerry make the statement about not invoking his personal beliefs on others in light of The Pope's call today for Catholic's to present their faith more strongly in public?
The stemcell debate hits home with me and I am in total agreement with the President. As a diabetic I would greatly benefit by any gains made in the research from stemcell's. But as a Christian and a voter, and in that order (contrary to some popular beliefs going around in the blogsphere), I support the Presidents policy of choosing life over research, ethics over science. It is important to do the research but use the 70 or so existing lines that are available, Senator Kerry's claims of 11 to 20 is totally wrong. I don't not want to benefit from the unethically harvesting of innocent life for my health gain.
basically the whole night comes down to the fact that the President was on his game and the Senator never recovered from the early knockdown by the President. The President was in command of the facts and details will Senator Kerry grasped for words and catchy campaign slogans or his standard "go to my website" for more information on my plans. Kerry skirted and mislead the debate audience and national audience with misleading statements and conflicting accounts of his 20 year voting record that again his was finally called into account on and was found to be quite lacking. The key line to sum it up was the one the President repeatedly hammered him with, "you can run, but you can't hide."
The President was on message and in control of the facts and details all night. Some key points he made was the linkage and connections to Saddam Hussein, France, Germany, Russia and the UN and the corruption link and their direct misleading of the inspectors through the "Oil for Food" program.
His linkage of the rising cost of healthcare and the billions made by John Edwards in driving up those cost to where they are now was another knockdown blow to the Kerry/Edwards record as was Kerry's 20 plus non-record on Tort reform which he know wants to embrace for political gain. With a trail lawyer on the ticket do you really believe that will happen?
Great lines tonight:
"If he won the war in Kosovo, why are we still there?" - President Bush, refer to Senator's Kerry's claim of backing from General Wesley Clark who Kerry said won the war in Kosovo.
"I own a lumber company, that is news to me, wanna buy some wood?" -President Bush on Kerry's claim the President owned a lumber company and received $84 in dividends.
"The war on terror is not just Osama Bin Laden, it is stopping WMD's everywhere." President Bush.
Key to the whole night was the focus on Senator Kerry's 20 + year Liberal voting record and pushing the "he's a liberal" line. Obviously they have tested this line and it works and also the Democrat's have tested it and know it works against them and are trying to distance Senator Kerry from it. Mark this down this will be driven home time and time again until election day.
Final thought, the President score early and often and the Senator never was able to clear his head or get off his heals.
Bush wins tonight on both style and substance.
Bush - 2 Kerry - 1
p.s. Drudge has an internal ABCNEWS memo instructing their news team to "Help Kerry win this election."
No liberal bias there is there.
From the opening question Senator Kerry launched in to an angry accusatory attack on the President. The President showing what truly great leaders are made of landed a huge blow on substance laying out the many changing positions of the Senator on almost every issue and calling him to task on how the tax cuts have enormously benefited EVERYONE in the current economic recovery we are in.
It was like watching a heavyweight championship fight when the champion lands a knockdown blow which the challenger tasks the standing 8 count for and never recovers or clears the fog from his head for the rest of the match.
What was different tonight from the first debate was that for the first time Senator Kerry was forced to deal with his rather dismal 20 plus year Senate record. He was constantly avoiding and running from his legislative record over the last 20 years. Trying to paint a favorable slant on a unfavorable record to most American's. Senator Kerry would skirt and dance around questions at every opportunity.
One especially poignant line of questioning concerned two key issues. Stemcell research and the abortion question late in the debate. Both questions Senator Kerry seemed to ramble on incoherently trying to say on one hand he is a man of faith but then taking very unfaith based stands on both issues. In both cases not really seeming thoroughly committed to his answer. It was especially interesting to her Senator Kerry make the statement about not invoking his personal beliefs on others in light of The Pope's call today for Catholic's to present their faith more strongly in public?
The stemcell debate hits home with me and I am in total agreement with the President. As a diabetic I would greatly benefit by any gains made in the research from stemcell's. But as a Christian and a voter, and in that order (contrary to some popular beliefs going around in the blogsphere), I support the Presidents policy of choosing life over research, ethics over science. It is important to do the research but use the 70 or so existing lines that are available, Senator Kerry's claims of 11 to 20 is totally wrong. I don't not want to benefit from the unethically harvesting of innocent life for my health gain.
basically the whole night comes down to the fact that the President was on his game and the Senator never recovered from the early knockdown by the President. The President was in command of the facts and details will Senator Kerry grasped for words and catchy campaign slogans or his standard "go to my website" for more information on my plans. Kerry skirted and mislead the debate audience and national audience with misleading statements and conflicting accounts of his 20 year voting record that again his was finally called into account on and was found to be quite lacking. The key line to sum it up was the one the President repeatedly hammered him with, "you can run, but you can't hide."
The President was on message and in control of the facts and details all night. Some key points he made was the linkage and connections to Saddam Hussein, France, Germany, Russia and the UN and the corruption link and their direct misleading of the inspectors through the "Oil for Food" program.
His linkage of the rising cost of healthcare and the billions made by John Edwards in driving up those cost to where they are now was another knockdown blow to the Kerry/Edwards record as was Kerry's 20 plus non-record on Tort reform which he know wants to embrace for political gain. With a trail lawyer on the ticket do you really believe that will happen?
Great lines tonight:
"If he won the war in Kosovo, why are we still there?" - President Bush, refer to Senator's Kerry's claim of backing from General Wesley Clark who Kerry said won the war in Kosovo.
"I own a lumber company, that is news to me, wanna buy some wood?" -President Bush on Kerry's claim the President owned a lumber company and received $84 in dividends.
"The war on terror is not just Osama Bin Laden, it is stopping WMD's everywhere." President Bush.
Key to the whole night was the focus on Senator Kerry's 20 + year Liberal voting record and pushing the "he's a liberal" line. Obviously they have tested this line and it works and also the Democrat's have tested it and know it works against them and are trying to distance Senator Kerry from it. Mark this down this will be driven home time and time again until election day.
Final thought, the President score early and often and the Senator never was able to clear his head or get off his heals.
Bush wins tonight on both style and substance.
Bush - 2 Kerry - 1
p.s. Drudge has an internal ABCNEWS memo instructing their news team to "Help Kerry win this election."
No liberal bias there is there.
Friday, October 08, 2004
Clearer Heads Prevail
ABC NEWS and The Washington Post (not your conservative paper) have just released a new poll.
Bush Has 5-Point Lead in New Poll
In the aftermath of last week's debate, Bush leads Kerry 51 percent to 46 percent among those most likely to vote, according to polling conducted Friday through Sunday.
Bush Has 5-Point Lead in New Poll
In the aftermath of last week's debate, Bush leads Kerry 51 percent to 46 percent among those most likely to vote, according to polling conducted Friday through Sunday.
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Old Fashioned Shellakin'
Ever seen a young grandson get taken out behind the woodshed and given a good ol' but whippen by his more knowledgable Grandfather.
Well that is exactly what we witness tonight, Vice President Cheney taking John (Boy) Edwards out behind the woodshed and yankin' the hide off his beeeehhhhiiiinnndd.....
Well that is exactly what we witness tonight, Vice President Cheney taking John (Boy) Edwards out behind the woodshed and yankin' the hide off his beeeehhhhiiiinnndd.....
I broke my glasses today. Why do you say is that so important to blog about and to title it thankful. Well I will tell you.
Because of the broken glasses and our American System of healthcare it made me very thankful that I do not live in Canada under Socialized Medical Insurance, because I would be on a waiting list for the next (3) three months just to see a doctor to fix them. I can go to the doctor today or tomorrow and have them fixed. Sure it will cost me a little more because of ambulance chasing frivolous lawsuits that won John Edwards his billions of dollars. But I can get them fixed today.
The advantage I do have here in America is I could hire John Edwards to file a law suit against the lens maker, the eye doctor, the frame maker and the insurance company making me some money and adding to his billions from chasing ambulances and channeling dead clients.
In one of Edwards' silver-tongued arguments to the jury on behalf of a girl born with cerebral palsy, he claimed he was channeling the unborn baby girl, Jennifer Campbell, who was speaking to the jurors through him:
"She said at 3, 'I'm fine.' She said at 4, 'I'm having a little trouble, but I'm doing OK.' Five, she said, 'I'm having problems.' At 5:30, she said, 'I need out.'"
"She speaks to you through me and I have to tell you right now -- I didn't plan to talk about this -- right now I feel her. I feel her presence. She's inside me, and she's talking to you."
Because of the broken glasses and our American System of healthcare it made me very thankful that I do not live in Canada under Socialized Medical Insurance, because I would be on a waiting list for the next (3) three months just to see a doctor to fix them. I can go to the doctor today or tomorrow and have them fixed. Sure it will cost me a little more because of ambulance chasing frivolous lawsuits that won John Edwards his billions of dollars. But I can get them fixed today.
The advantage I do have here in America is I could hire John Edwards to file a law suit against the lens maker, the eye doctor, the frame maker and the insurance company making me some money and adding to his billions from chasing ambulances and channeling dead clients.
In one of Edwards' silver-tongued arguments to the jury on behalf of a girl born with cerebral palsy, he claimed he was channeling the unborn baby girl, Jennifer Campbell, who was speaking to the jurors through him:
"She said at 3, 'I'm fine.' She said at 4, 'I'm having a little trouble, but I'm doing OK.' Five, she said, 'I'm having problems.' At 5:30, she said, 'I need out.'"
"She speaks to you through me and I have to tell you right now -- I didn't plan to talk about this -- right now I feel her. I feel her presence. She's inside me, and she's talking to you."
Our Brother in Christ
I have been reading a book loaned to me by a friend titled "A Man of Faith" The spiritual Journey of George W. Bush by respected former Senior Correspondent for Time Magazine, journalist David Aikman.
Thomas Nelson Publishers
If you haven't made up your mind on who you are going to vote for or you have and it is not the President that you intend to vote for this passage should be all you need to know who is right man for the job.
If you are a follower of Christ just reading this passage from the book makes it certain you should be behind President Bush.
Page 157 of "Man of Faith":
"SOME OF THE LEAST KNOWN, though in many ways most telling, illustrations of George W.'s Faith have come from within the White House itself. One incident I heard about from two sources, independent of each other. When a White House courier once entered the Oval Office unannounced to make a very important delivery, there was no sign of the president. Only his shoes were protruding from behind his desk. The president of the United States was lying prostrate on the floor in prayer."
This factor alone, not withstanding the clear distinction of biblical principles and guidelines that President Bush is guided by and the way Senator Kerry snubs his nose and is in direct contradiction to biblical principles, should compel ever Christian to Vote for the President Bush's re-election.

Thomas Nelson Publishers
If you haven't made up your mind on who you are going to vote for or you have and it is not the President that you intend to vote for this passage should be all you need to know who is right man for the job.
If you are a follower of Christ just reading this passage from the book makes it certain you should be behind President Bush.
Page 157 of "Man of Faith":
"SOME OF THE LEAST KNOWN, though in many ways most telling, illustrations of George W.'s Faith have come from within the White House itself. One incident I heard about from two sources, independent of each other. When a White House courier once entered the Oval Office unannounced to make a very important delivery, there was no sign of the president. Only his shoes were protruding from behind his desk. The president of the United States was lying prostrate on the floor in prayer."
This factor alone, not withstanding the clear distinction of biblical principles and guidelines that President Bush is guided by and the way Senator Kerry snubs his nose and is in direct contradiction to biblical principles, should compel ever Christian to Vote for the President Bush's re-election.
Monday, October 04, 2004
New Polls Out (Post Debate)
New post debate polls out:
Pew: Bush Up 7, 48-41
New ABC/Washington Post Poll to Show Bush Up 5 Points
Pew: Bush Up 7, 48-41
New ABC/Washington Post Poll to Show Bush Up 5 Points
The President Right Again
It seems again that the President has been RIGHT all along. As a high ranking senior government official though not a political appointee has confirmed the evidence of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction program and his links to Al Qaeda.
( - Iraqi intelligence documents, confiscated by U.S. forces and obtained by, show numerous efforts by Saddam Hussein's regime to work with some of the world's most notorious terror organizations, including al Qaeda, to target Americans. They demonstrate that Saddam's government possessed mustard gas and anthrax, both considered weapons of mass destruction, in the summer of 2000, during the period in which United Nations weapons inspectors were not present in Iraq. And the papers show that Iraq trained dozens of terrorists inside its borders.
It seems time and time again the Presidents truthfulness is tested he ALWAYS comes out on top in the end. He never bad mouths or whines when his creditbility is questioned he just turns the other cheek and waits for the truth to come out as it always does. What is done in darkness WILL be brought to light.
Read the story here.
( - Iraqi intelligence documents, confiscated by U.S. forces and obtained by, show numerous efforts by Saddam Hussein's regime to work with some of the world's most notorious terror organizations, including al Qaeda, to target Americans. They demonstrate that Saddam's government possessed mustard gas and anthrax, both considered weapons of mass destruction, in the summer of 2000, during the period in which United Nations weapons inspectors were not present in Iraq. And the papers show that Iraq trained dozens of terrorists inside its borders.
It seems time and time again the Presidents truthfulness is tested he ALWAYS comes out on top in the end. He never bad mouths or whines when his creditbility is questioned he just turns the other cheek and waits for the truth to come out as it always does. What is done in darkness WILL be brought to light.
Read the story here.
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Kerry Cheated III (Frame by Frame)
Here is a great frame by frame series of Kerry Cheating at the debate and pulling the unauthorized materials from his pocket (most likely talking points on note cards or a foldout cheat sheet).
Here is a very nice high resolution video in QuickTime format the Kerry Cheating incident.
Great KerryDebateCheatingGate discussion going on over at Little Green Footballs.
Here is a very nice high resolution video in QuickTime format the Kerry Cheating incident.
Great KerryDebateCheatingGate discussion going on over at Little Green Footballs.
Kerry Cheated II
The Boston Globe, Kerry's hometown paper, has a good video feed of the Kerry cheating at last Thirsday's debate.
See it Here.
See it Here.
Kerry Cheated in First debate!
John Kerry violated the memorandum of understanding or rules of the debate last Thursday night as these still frame pictures from a the video footage of the debate clearly verifies.
As you can see from the photo's Mr. Kerry, in direct violation of the pre-debate agreed upon rules, clearly pulls some 3" x 5" card or a folded "cheat sheet" with campaign talking points from his jacket pocket. This would clearly explain his use of campaign slogans and rhetoric Thursday night and no real substance to his answers unlike the President used so frequently from memory in his answers.
This gives a whole new dynamic to the claim by liberals that the President has no substance, no intellect. President Bush did not need a cheat sheet last Thursday. He was focused and answering question from his heart even after a full day of doing the work of the President in working with and for the hurricane victims of Florida.
again it looks as though we are face again with two visions for American and our children.
A vision where extra-marital affairs in the Oval Office are okay and kids learn to believe that this really isn't sex because it all depends on you definition of "is", is. And where cheating at a debate is natural for you. Where young children will take from the lesson that cheating to win is okay.
It is the weekend and this story will begin to break heavy tomorrow on the morning cable news show.
Here is a link to the video of the cheating.
Lots of people are buzzing about the cheating here are some great links.
INDC Journal
Polical Wire

As you can see from the photo's Mr. Kerry, in direct violation of the pre-debate agreed upon rules, clearly pulls some 3" x 5" card or a folded "cheat sheet" with campaign talking points from his jacket pocket. This would clearly explain his use of campaign slogans and rhetoric Thursday night and no real substance to his answers unlike the President used so frequently from memory in his answers.
This gives a whole new dynamic to the claim by liberals that the President has no substance, no intellect. President Bush did not need a cheat sheet last Thursday. He was focused and answering question from his heart even after a full day of doing the work of the President in working with and for the hurricane victims of Florida.
again it looks as though we are face again with two visions for American and our children.
A vision where extra-marital affairs in the Oval Office are okay and kids learn to believe that this really isn't sex because it all depends on you definition of "is", is. And where cheating at a debate is natural for you. Where young children will take from the lesson that cheating to win is okay.
It is the weekend and this story will begin to break heavy tomorrow on the morning cable news show.
Here is a link to the video of the cheating.
Lots of people are buzzing about the cheating here are some great links.
INDC Journal
Polical Wire
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