Friday, June 25, 2004

Boston Herald Front Page!

That just about sums it up!

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Character Meter

Again the issue of moral core beliefs and grounding is in the news. A couple of interesting stories in the media.

First the story of how you must be careful when answering that knock at the door. It seems that the Democratic Machine of John Kerry is now using convicted felons, murders, sexual predators, and convicted burglar's to go door to door to defeat the president.

And then there is the voter registration drives going on at strip clubs.

The choice is abundantly clear a leader who is led by morals and is a follower of Jesus, or the lack of moral foundations and core character of the past administration.

Character does Matter!

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

To the Nay Say'ers

For those of you who continue to believe the lies and fabrications of Michael Moore, Christopher Hitchens has an excellent piece over at . By the way Slate is not a conservative journal.

Read the piece here.

By the way no anonymous post, be a man or woman and stand behind your statements.