Friday, April 02, 2004

Look at the Numbers

308,000 in March 2004.

759,000 new ones since August.

Guess that "Jobless Recovery" Talking point is history now.

The Bush recovery keeps going and going and going.......

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Ongoing debate about Why everyone Hates the Americans

I found this great post on James Lileks Blog today, here is a sample in the continuing on going blog debate about why everyone hates us. James makes some great points including this excerpt:

We stopped pretending we would ratify Kyoto. We only spent $15 billion on AIDS in Africa. We did not take dictation from Paris. If we had done these things, it would minimize the world’s anger.
Is the world angry at Russia, which spends nothing on AIDS and rebuffed Kyoto? Is the world angry at China, which got a pass on Kyoto and spends nothing on AIDS for other countries?
Is the world angry at North Korea for killings its people? Angry at Iran for smothering that vibrant nation with corrupt and thuggish mullocracy? Angry at Syria for occupying Lebanon? Angry at Saudi Arabia for its denial of women’s rights? Angry at Russia for corrupt elections? Is the world angry at China for threatening Taiwan, or angry at France for joining the Chinese in joint military exercises that threatened the island on the eve of an election? Is the world angry at Zimbabwe for stealing land and starving people? Is the world angry at Pakistan for selling nuclear secrets? Is the world angry at Libya for having an NBC program?
Is the world angry at the thugs of Fallujah?
Is the world angry at anyone besides America and Israel?
Read the whole thing. Especially if you're John Kerry.

Read the whole thing on his blog here. This is a must read.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Worship Fallout II / Catching the Wave

Just wanted to add to my earlier post that Matt Redman also introduced a couple of new worship songs from his upcoming CD. A couple of stand out songs were "Dancing Generations" and also "Nothing but the Blood" both were very powerful and the teens really seemed to respond to the songs by connecting with God.

On the reaction of the teens and the response to the gospel it seems as though young people are really responding to God and seeking to learn more about Him and how to connect with Him. It seems as though there is a uptick in people seeking to have a relationship with the Lord. As was mentioned in our staff prayer time today by our Pastor, that there is a sense that we could be upon the wave of a new Jesus Movement much like the one in the late 60's and early 70's. If this is indeed the case we need to find ways in which to ride the wave, surf it and go with what the Lord is doing. Find ways of wrapping our arms around those exploring and searching by striking up real and lasting disciplining relationships with them.

We need to begin now to seek God's direction for ways to connect and to bring those who are coming into our groups our gathering our circle of friends and lives.

Monday, March 29, 2004

Conference Fallout

We just finished up a Worship conference over the last weekend. What a fantastic conference Matt Redman lead the worship at all of the main session except on Saturday morning when Michael Gallaugher lead. All of the worship was above the bar and really brought us into the presence of the Lord.

The teachers were all excellent Rich on thursday kicked it off when around 47 students accepted the Lord. On Friday we had the pleasure of hearing a word from Harvey Carey from Detroit, Michigan. That night I saw massive amounts of teens impacted by God's spirit in a powerful way. I saw young people who have been adrift away from God for sometime find their way back toward God. I talked with one young person after a session who had been quite a handful lately, who had just been used by God in the service, tell me that he had never been used like that before that God really did want to use him and have a place and purpose in his life.

It was a really good weekend lots of awesome worship and lots of good ministry in teaching and in prayer.