Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Worship Fallout II / Catching the Wave

Just wanted to add to my earlier post that Matt Redman also introduced a couple of new worship songs from his upcoming CD. A couple of stand out songs were "Dancing Generations" and also "Nothing but the Blood" both were very powerful and the teens really seemed to respond to the songs by connecting with God.

On the reaction of the teens and the response to the gospel it seems as though young people are really responding to God and seeking to learn more about Him and how to connect with Him. It seems as though there is a uptick in people seeking to have a relationship with the Lord. As was mentioned in our staff prayer time today by our Pastor, that there is a sense that we could be upon the wave of a new Jesus Movement much like the one in the late 60's and early 70's. If this is indeed the case we need to find ways in which to ride the wave, surf it and go with what the Lord is doing. Find ways of wrapping our arms around those exploring and searching by striking up real and lasting disciplining relationships with them.

We need to begin now to seek God's direction for ways to connect and to bring those who are coming into our groups our gathering our circle of friends and lives.

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