Saturday, October 23, 2010

Football Saturday

Rough football weekend for my beloved Buckeyes last weekend, but looking good this weekend against the Boilers of Purdue.....

Medical Update.... Saw my Oncoloist at The James this week for my monthly checkup. The orginal plan waas to statr me back on an oral chemo after over 17 months off of all chemo meds. That was the plan but since my liver enzymes were up a bit again Dr Benson decided to hold off, my prayer was answered again I could tell you so many of these stories when God had other plans. So we brainstormed to find out what drug was causing the problem. We decided to stop the Green Tea extract vitamans and drinking all Green Tea and retesting liver function bloodwork in 2 weeks.

During the week a friend was chatting with my wife who mentioned here Dr would not let her take Senna because of liver effects. After personel research and calling Dr Benson we decided to stop the Senna. You are only supposed to take Senna for 7 to 10 days at the most because of liver effects, I have been taking almost 2 years.....

So I believe this could be the culprit, we shall see though...

Felling really good though.

Missing being at Cloud 9 Retreat with everyone though at Michindoh this year, I will be back next year though for sure....

Really tired of campaign lies, er I mean ads....

Currently reading:

Pete Carroll's "Win Forever"
David Plouffe's "Audacity to Win"