Sunday, October 03, 2004

Kerry Cheated in First debate!

John Kerry violated the memorandum of understanding or rules of the debate last Thursday night as these still frame pictures from a the video footage of the debate clearly verifies.

As you can see from the photo's Mr. Kerry, in direct violation of the pre-debate agreed upon rules, clearly pulls some 3" x 5" card or a folded "cheat sheet" with campaign talking points from his jacket pocket. This would clearly explain his use of campaign slogans and rhetoric Thursday night and no real substance to his answers unlike the President used so frequently from memory in his answers.

This gives a whole new dynamic to the claim by liberals that the President has no substance, no intellect. President Bush did not need a cheat sheet last Thursday. He was focused and answering question from his heart even after a full day of doing the work of the President in working with and for the hurricane victims of Florida.

again it looks as though we are face again with two visions for American and our children.

A vision where extra-marital affairs in the Oval Office are okay and kids learn to believe that this really isn't sex because it all depends on you definition of "is", is. And where cheating at a debate is natural for you. Where young children will take from the lesson that cheating to win is okay.

It is the weekend and this story will begin to break heavy tomorrow on the morning cable news show.

Here is a link to the video of the cheating.

Lots of people are buzzing about the cheating here are some great links.

INDC Journal


Polical Wire



Anonymous said...

there's nothing "clear" about your accusation.
there's nothing "clear" in those pictures.

Dave McPeek said...

Maybe you should have an eye examination....