Friday, June 11, 2004

Asleep ,Thankfully not at the Wheel!

What a great picture and example of the Liberals disdain for America and our greatest President.


Anonymous said...

all i gotta say is

bwaa ha!

Anonymous said...

As much as I can't stand these two, you sure this wasn't shot durring a prayer of something, look at the lady behind them.

Anonymous said...

I say this in love, homey g, but looking at Bill's expression paired with those behind them... I'm thinking they're thinking, praying, or concentrating. If it's true that they were sleeping, that's not very respectful, but if it's not, you took a low shot. And, as a side note, the Clintons do not characterize every democrat. Just like Ronald and Dubya don't characterize every Republican. Just my .02 and I still love you anyway and know you love me too. - CJ

Anonymous said...

Have I not said that blogger comments SUCK... I was the second post about a prayer...
Dave Webster

John McCollum said...


I've fallen asleep in church before, I must admit. I hope it doesn't signal disdain for God, who, of course, is much more worthy of honor than any world leader.