While are talking about looking like a total idiot, did you see the out of control, crazed Teresa Heinz-Kerry as she told a reporter from her home town of Pittsburgh to "shove it" after he accurately quoted the "Queen of Diamond's" of referring to people who don't believe as she does as "un-American". Maybe a better definition of un-American is a woman and her husband, who aspires to be president, who lies and protest's against his fellow Americans who are fighting a war while he fabricates injuries to get out after only 4 months. Or a couple who exported over 75% of the Heinz products factories overseas outsourcing millions of jobs to foreign lands.

But back to the attack by Teresa on the reporter, maybe it is time for John to up her medication to prevent such outburst. Wow what a classy first lady she would make!
Watching the John Kerry Democrat's Extreme Makeover tonight it is apparent that some will sleep with a snake to gain absolute power. Gore (Sore Loserman), Carter (second worst president ever), and Slick Willy (worst president of all time, the one who Bush inherited the recession that his tax policies have brought us out of and into the greatest economic recovery in 20 years). What is this the first time in 20 years that poor ol' Jimmy has been asked back?
By the way a new Washington Post / ABC News Poll out Tuesday morning will show that even as John Kerry's big Extreme Makeover is beginning he is losing support rapidly. Usually the guy the convention is for gains ground but it looks like "W" is gaining and has passed the John/John's during their party.
In the new poll the president's approval rating is at or above 50%! No incumbent has ever lost re-election when their approval rating is at or above 50%.
One final thought it was truly amazing to watch the draft dodger Bill Clinton praising John Kerry for his service in Vietnam. This from a man and party that loathes the military? When Bill uttered the words "send me, send me" I could just envision John Kerry with another scratch on his arm yelling "I got another purple heart, send me, send me home."
1 comment:
Big Dave,
I knew I could count on you to lay all the cards down on the table. I particularly liked your last paragraph. The most unbearable moment of the convention for me was Jimmy Carter. I don't want to think bad things about a fellow believer, but as he spoke I found myself wishing lock jaw on him so he'd lose his ability to speak. Carters' speech was by far the most hypocritical of the night.
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