First off just a thought. A casual watcher of debates at first glance would take away from tonight's first debate is that John Kerry has no core values or core beliefs. You could read by watching him that he has a very warped and revisionist view of reality.
Case in point would be his continuing insistence that we are in Iraq going it alone? We have over 30 allies in the War on Terror in Iraq fighting along side of us but yet Senator Kerry continues to denigrate and impune our allies that if under the unfortunate and highly unlikely possibility he would win in November he would need on his side. We have more allies in Iraq than we had in WWII.
Then in the same breath in the same debate when the President says that we are not going it alone in North Korea but working with other countries to hold North Korea accountable and put pressure on them with and through others Senator Kerry say' "no we need to go it alone in North Korea, we need Bi-Lateral talks." Where is the diplomacy that he so desires in Iraq, where is the coalition building he so much talks about and mis-leadingly (alright honestly lies about) in Iraq? Where is the handing over of our sovereignty that he is so willing to do in Iraq not what he wants in North Korea?
You fliped on Iraq but flopped to another position of action on North Korea. Huh?
This thread and line of exchange in the debates further reiterates his moral spinelessness when it comes to taking a position based on your core beliefs and values and standing firm as the President has done so with out hesitation as the leader of the Free world.
Is there a different "Global Test" that you must take for each country as Senator Kerry talked about tonight. And just what is this "Global Test" Senator Kerry sprung on us tonight? When did the President of the United States become required to bow down to a "Global Test" Mr. Kerry? I think this statement alone is evidence alone of what and who to your allegiances will be as President.
"I used the wrong language" when I talked about the 87 billion dollar appropriation bill for the troops. I think this is the same excuse you used to excuse your lies before congress in 1971 about our troops in Vietnam. Please Mr. Kerry, President Bush is supposed to be the one who mis-speaks not you with your upper class aristrocratic upbringing.
You lied when directly asked about calling the President a liar, was that a misuse of language again?
You said just the other day that you were not wrong on your positions on the war in Iraq because it "all depend on the outcome", to quote you. Lets just imagine Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address with "it all depends on the outcome" injected from time to time. Or FDR's decisions as President based on "it all depends on the outcome."
Mr. Kerry your pre-September 10th mentality show you to be the weak, unsteady and unreliable leader that you are, and that was abundantly apparent tonight on the debate. You came across as an arrogant, better than you, know it all elitist and shifty, flip flopping leader you are and would be. You looked like a finger waving pompous, condensing, liar that you are.
On the other side the President continued to show his heart for all Americans, his compassion for others and genuine passion to do the right thing and lead as great leaders do their countries in times of great peril. Churchill stood firm, FDR stood firm, Reagan stood firm and George W. Bush continues to stand firm. He did not turn on his fellow brothers as you have done time and time again over the years. The President has stood and continues to stand firm in his moral clarity, character convictions. Never wavering but standing firm for the American people.
One closing thought to add to the flips and flops, and lies and fabrications of John Kerry. After saying that General Tommy Franks had voice concern about Iraq, General Franks is on Fox News right now blowing the Kerry quote right out of the water, saying that John Kerry was wrong and was not truthful.
Why should we expect anything different from him now.
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