Thursday, December 02, 2004


After taking much heat from some selected fellow bloggers I have decided it is time to begin to post some random thoughts and entries.

Event of the day, one fellow blogger who will remain anonymous lost control of a very large chicken wing at Quaker Steak and Lube today. Luckily he did escape without injury to his self or any innocent bystanders. The Lord was definately with us today. The Buffet Boys and fellow Wingmen escaped a scare today.

What have I been doing. Focusing, that would most likely explain it. I have been taking sometime to reflect and to slowdown and listen. In the process I have been reading and listening (trying for the most part) to here God's voice and to stay away from this particular computer and all of the news and information available to fill my mind of mush. I have also been spending more family time.

Youth Ministry:

I have been thinking the last week or so on this question. How can we provide more quality "HangTime" with middle school youth's? How can we schedule these times into our meetings without making our "HangTime" feel structured? How can we "pace" with our teens in an effective way that will create sharing times and not a forced time of instruction, a time of natural teaching that flows out of "Pacing" with them? What does this look like in a youth ministry setting? How do we make it happen without it feeling or looking forced? Those are some of my relevant questions.


Vineyard Church of Delaware County is really blessed to have Brendan Radtke coming on board in the future to lead the Middle School Ministry. He spoke last night at The Rock on "Moral Boundaries" and did an outstanding job. If you are involved in youth ministry and would like to have a good speaker at one of your events he would fill the bill for you. B and his wife will be a great addition to their team.

Also in the Kudos department my friend Carrie LaMay recently moved back to Michigan, but before she left she stopped by and surprised me with a stack of books that she wanted to give me a bunch of really good stuff from the Relevant Network line. Thank you Carrie I will miss you living here amongst us Buckeyes.


D said...
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D said...

How can he even call himself a Buffet Boy after an incident like that!!! He should be ashamed, the only saving grace is that it is a buffet, after all, he can always get more!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind words Dave. Believe me it is not going to be easy leaving VCC (when I finally do)because I'll miss all of you guys. I've truely been blessed by God to be able to serve Him alongside you, Kerry and Jeff these past several years. When I do leave, I will do so knowing that all of VCC's youth are in the most capable hands. Good to see that your back from your sabbatical and blogging again.

Anonymous said...

Ahoy Dave! Thanks for the kudos. It's all about a j-o-b right now, but I'm having a blast thus far. I had a little pouty-cry the other day about "I miss my family and friends in Columbus, pout-pout," but I got over it... new chapter of life = awesome blessing! Anyway, I miss you and the fam! CHEERS, fella'. Carrie Jo

Anonymous said...

PS... Glad to see your blog is back. I missed it! - CJL