Thursday, June 14, 2007

Finally an Update

Just a quick update for the blog just to let you know where things are with me with all that has bee going on this has a times fallen by the wayside.

As a wrote in a previous post I thought I had gotten bit by a spider which turned out to be something else so I will start back so we can see how I got to the alleged spider bite.

As many of you know I spent I week in the hospital (most of it in ICU) with pneumonia, after recovering at home for a month or so and returning to work with the middle school ministry at Vineyard Church of Columbus were I work. I can down with a painful sore which I though was a spider bite. I turned out to be a very bad staph infection that you can only get in the hospital (that is encouraging.)

After returning to the hospital and getting that all cleared up. I again returned to work after a time off to recover.

In March I was re-admitted to the hospital with pneumonia again for another week. This time an infectious disease doctors were brought in because I was running a very high fever that they could not get down with standard anti-biotic's. They also wanted to see why I was contracting pneumonia so often.

Through the course of the test and stuff the put me through they discovered a spot on my sixth rib which they biopsy and it tested positive. On the CAT SCAN in November this spot was not there.

This meant more testing and a bone marrow test which revealed that I am battling multiply myloma a plasma cancer.

I am currently under going chemo treatments and doing well. The Lord has been good to me and has blessed me even in this difficult time. He has placed people in my path to encourage and lift me up, survivors and prayer warriors. He has also giving me opportunity to share His blessings and good grass to those who don’t know him yet.

I am spending a lot of time at home now reading, listening to the Lord, doing devotions and spending time with the girls while they are out of school for the summer.

Also I have been blessed with a lot of friends who come and take me to lunch or coffee on occasion too.

You can contact me if you wish by email

Blessings and I will update better I hope and pray.

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