Friday, April 09, 2004

America Hated It? II

I find a unique paradox or maybe a "I like my cake but want to eat it to" morality in the whole "Why does everyone hate America and American's "debate on-line. It seems like many like having it "both ways".

Many of the participants have been spouting and stating their negative views of America and American's, our willingness to work hard and be prosperous. Many of which live here and are taking advantage of much of the luxuries and advantages of American life. Some even use there success to take excursion's into the world of missions and helping others less fortunate, this is very noble and what I believe Christ would want and command us to do. But at the same time these same people wish to downgrade and demonize the same advantages and way of life they enjoy living here in America that allows them and many of us to take the message of Christ and reach out to those who are not blessed as we are in America. Unbelievable!

Maybe we as people blessed by God to be living here in America should be more thankful that God choose to put us here and not somewhere else, and that he blessed us as people and a country to be able to help those oppressed. Maybe this should be our prayer "God thank you for putting me here and help us to take what you have blessed me and our country with and show us were to help others".

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