On a past very long discussion on another Blog a couple of my friends made the point that John Kerry had been and admitted to War Crimes in Vietnam. Many involved in that discussion blew us off as wrong and giving misinformation. Well it was very refreshing to see Tim Russert (a very well known liberal, but intellectually honest liberal) pull out the tape of John Kerry's 1971 "Meet the Press" appearance on this past Sunday's MTP appearance by Mr. Kerry. So to those of you who insisted it was Bob Kerrey (the current Clinton protector along with Jamie Gorelick and Mr. Ben-Veniste's on the Get President Bush Panel, uh I mean the 9/11 Panel) it was clearly John Kerry who admitted to committing War Crimes.
On a related matter we all have seen the arrogance and I am better than the rest of you attitude that just oozes from the Senator. But it was sickening to see his reaction to the tape. He laughed and made jokes about the color of his hair then! Smiling and laughing about the loss of life and the atrocities that he has, in his own words, he admitted to committing. Those of who I have discussion with who are committed Christians who say the are supporting Mr. Kerry (how that lines up with biblical teaching I have yet to find) say that his social policies and his social caring is the main reason for their support of him. I then pose this question if Jesus himself would have been in the seat across form Mr. Russert Sunday, would He have smiled and laughed about the hair color and the loss of life that had just been admitted to? Where is that social caring that Mr. Kerry is so supposed to be driven by. Is this a man who we want leading our country a man who has admitted to killing and torturing innocent men, women and children.
Also on that same MTP his commanding officer in Vietnam questioned the validity of his Purple Hearts awarded to him? Where they concocted stories for a future presidential run? These are the questions we need to be asking.
What did Mr. Kerry do? And , How did he do it? And Did he actually earn his medals? And who were involved in the fabrications?
Read the transcript from Meet the Press here
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