For those of you who continue to believe the lies and fabrications of Michael Moore, Christopher Hitchens has an excellent piece over at . By the way Slate is not a conservative journal.
Read the piece here.
By the way no anonymous post, be a man or woman and stand behind your statements.
first off, i'm curious... have any of you actually seen the movie yet? do you always base your opinions on reviews, or only when it fits your own personal ideology to do so?
look, i'm not totally defending moore here. i thought 'columbine' had some great things to say but yes it appears michael could now be abusing that momentum. but why are you so shocked and angry? you mean someone is selling their personal ideology, be it right or wrong? say it ain't so!
hitchens sums this point up nicely-
"Some right-wing hack groups, I gather, are planning to bring pressure on their local movie theaters to drop the film. How dumb or thuggish do you have to be in order to counter one form of stupidity and cowardice with another?"
ps. i find it hilarious that you make the statement "just like a liberal" in response to my statement "conservatives are just as thick and stupid as the liberals"
you actually illustrated my point! thank you!
and pps. sorry about the anon posts.. i was logged in & i don't know what happened. so just fyi-
randy saffen
1230 old town south dr
indianapolis, in 46260
does that back it up ok for ya now?
It is truly amazing how when the left decides that a Dick Cheney needs to be stopped they will attack his daughter to get at him or people with a viceral hatred of George W. Bush will stop at nothing to bring him down, in these cases it is okay to skirt the law and do anything with in reaching distance of the law and the line of moral decency to stop them. Case in point the attack machine that went to work to bring down Trent Lott but would look the other way when Hillary said that "Ghandi used to work at the gas station down the road" when speaking to a group in St. Louis. Or The Jesse Jackson calls New York City "hymie town".
When people who have seen advance copies and reviews of a leftwing propaganda machine hit piece attempt to stop the spread of lies and the are now blocking idea's and thought.
When did right and wrong no longer matter, when did we stop worrying about what is truth and what is lies. I guess when we don't have any core beliefs and give up our moral decency and groundings we no longer worry about right and wrong and we just worry about winning power at whatever the cost, case in point the Democratic Party's going with John Kerry. I guess then we can argue about things like, What is the definition of "is", is?
I think Zell Miller hit the nail on the head in his book " A National Party No More."
To some right and wrong, lies and truth are no longer relevant it is all about the grab for power. Winning is all that matters to some folks at any cost now, not the real discussion of idea's and thoughts.
Randy, as far as logging in and having it not show, I am with you, blogger comments SUCK big time!!!! I thought it might be you but wasn't sure and didn't wanna point the finger...well maybe the middle one.:)
Dave Webster
big dave-
to some extent, i actually agree with you... i just happen to believe this country was bought sold and paid for a long time ago. this is one of the main reasons i don't vote anymore. the shit they shuffle around every 4 years now is meaningless. unless we can get something closer to reagan (be it dem or republican) then the near future is hopeless. i dunno man. i see all the g dub stuff pasted to your site here and it seems to me that you just like being part of a club. your extremist support for the republican party is nothing more than idolatry. smirk isn't half the man reagan was. hell, he isn't half the man is father was/is. wake up dude, the dream is over.
and just so you know, i used to be a hardcore republican. (in fact, i'm still more conservative than anything else) but now that the most pathetic incompetent generation EVER to hit america (the boomers) are in control, i have simply plugged out. these people don't give a rats ass about anything but getting their latte in the morning. they can talk about morals/ideals till their blue in the face, but i don't trust their collective ass as far as i could throw their collective ass.
webster- a middle finger from you would be like a cold shot of whiskey. you and i probably have more in common then either of us would care to admit. now run along and go play with your toys before you get hurt.
if you don't vote, then don't complain. your opinion means nothing.
wheres the logic in that? since i don't vote i have every right to complain about the mess YOU helped to create ;)
voting is our resposibility as americans. It's a right and a privelage. if you don't exercise that right, then you are not doing your part as an american to make a difference. Voting is where we are heard. Sooooo....if you are not speaking out and voting for who you want to represent our country then you have nothing to worry about. so stop complaining.
makes no sense. we'll just leave it at that.
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