Sunday, September 19, 2004

Coming into Focus

Well like we didn't expect or already no this to be certain It has now come to light that a Kerry Campaign operative, former now disgruntled senator Max Cleland was given the forged documents to pass on tho rather baised Dan Rather and CBS:

This from the AP (not a conservative news service)

The retired Guard official, Bill Burkett, said in an Aug. 21 e-mail to a list of Texas Democrats that after getting through "seven layers of bureaucratic kids" in the Democrat's campaign, he talked with former Georgia Sen. Max Cleland about information that would counter criticism of Kerry's Vietnam War service. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the e-mail Saturday.

"I asked if they wanted to counterattack or ride this to ground and outlast it, not spending any money. (Cleland) said counterattack. So I gave them the information to do it with," Burkett wrote.

It seems that CBS and Dan Rather have been working feverishly for the last 3 plus year in conjunction with the DNC to defeat President Bush.

You can rad for yourself the full text of the conections between CBS/Dan Rather and the Kerry/Edwards Camp Here

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