Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Old Fashioned Shellakin'

Ever seen a young grandson get taken out behind the woodshed and given a good ol' but whippen by his more knowledgable Grandfather.

Well that is exactly what we witness tonight, Vice President Cheney taking John (Boy) Edwards out behind the woodshed and yankin' the hide off his beeeehhhhiiiinnndd.....


Anonymous said...

you'd better start praying for mr. kerry instead of judging him and his campaign. if columbus ohio is any indication as to who will be elected president (and it should be considering ohio is a swing state), then GWB is going to be kissing the white house goodbye.

Dave McPeek said...

Think again anoymous (can't back it up your smack with your name). Just as an experiment drive around Columbus and count Bush/Cheney compared to Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers and yard signs I think you find it quite enlightening.

If you can think and read a little try reading some quality polling data including the internals. I think you will begin to recognize the 4 more years chant beginning to resound in your ears and conscience. Get used to another 4 more years.

The last post debate quality polling data has Bush up 7% in Ohio. The best Electoral College experts have it right now on average Bush 300 to Kerry's 210. Backing my smack up.

Enjoy 4 more years of "W" and then 8 years of Jeb Bush....

Anonymous said...

seth jewett,

Exactly how does "Down with America" fit into your "Christian worldview on life and towards relationships with other people"?

Personally, I find it completely hypocritical of you to warn Big Dave with "If you are not careful, your blog will continue to alienate people and in turn help turn them off to the truth of Christ" while writing "Down with America" and then comparing yourself to Old Testament Prophets speaking on behalf of the Lord. Call me mean spirited, or "disgustingly mean," but I think you're a lunatic and the last thing your irresponsible and YES unpatriotic comments will ever do is lead someone to Jesus. But God bless ya, keep drinking the Kool-Aid.

Camelface (an evil conservative)
PS - "George W. Bush is the greatest President to ever live, and should be President for life!"

Anonymous said...

Let's all calm down here shall we!

Seth - Dave can write about whatever he wants. That is part of free speech. Although personally I do feel like his blog is solely devoted toward the reelection of GWB, and wish he'd write about something else for a change.

Dave - I have to say 4 more years of GWB and then 8 years of Jeb Bush is a tad scary. 2 Bush's are enough in my book -- 3 Bush's?! Now that's just crazy talk!
I finally had a chance to watch the entire VP debate and I would say it was anything but an 'old fashioned shellakin'. I found both candidates to be very prepared and well read, if not a tad mean to each other, but I suppose your 'automatic victory' to cheney is a sure sign of your partisan selling out that seth refers to. personally, i like both vp candidates better than the pres. candidates. why can't cheney run against bush?
at any rate, you may want to take a kinder gentler tone toward people on your blog. you are a pastor after all. remember that. (plus the image of a grandfather whipping his grandson is a little disturbing. that should be a parent's job)

brendan -- you also should take care of your comments being in church leadership. respond with grace as christ would, please. i believe that seth loves this country and wants it to be better than it is. i know you and dave both believe that we are in the 'golden age' of the usa, but i never knew that speaking your mind about things that trouble you were unpatriotic. that's a little ridiculous, don't you think?

at any rate, just my $0.02. let's keep this civil please. and at the very least, let's just not visit each other's blogs if it is going to cause dissention.

peace out.

Anonymous said...

oh one more thing dave,

at least where i live and travel around (clintonville, campus, worthington areas) kerry signs outnumber bush signs at least 3 to 1. so, it probably is not so far fetched that kerry just might win this election.

Anonymous said...

wow, who are these crazy rubes? it's a shame for a person who has such a cool name such as "seth", and to have such a twisted view, both spiritually and politically, of the world today. it troubles me greatly that this man has the same name as i do. i probably won't sleep tonight.

the "real seth",
seth charlton

D said...

MG, you scold Brendan and Dave for saying that Seth is unpatriotic...Well when he has said "Down with America" you don't get anymore unpatriotic than that in my book.
As far as your comments "(plus the image of a grandfather whipping his grandson is a little disturbing. that should be a parent's job)" Thinking like that is unbiblical and goes against the whole concept of family. It is exactly because of that kind of thinking that we have more Grandparents actually raising their grandkids without the parents help.

SETH, you told Dave "Tear down your poltical idols and return to Christ's heart for loving God and loving each other" You better watch your mouth!!! You OBVIOUSLY don't know Dave. He is making a more of a difference in more peoples lives and woking harder to help kids, both good and bad come to know and walk with Jesus. I don't give a rats rear end whether you like his political views or his blog or not. But don't you dare ever question his Heart for Christ!!!

D said...

OK, MG in light of a new day and having a fresh mind as I read your quote "(plus the image of a grandfather whipping his grandson is a little disturbing. that should be a parent's job)" you may have been being sarcastic so if you were my apologies.

Seth, also in light of a fresh day, My comment to you "You better watch your mouth!!!" may come across as threatening, not exactly my intention. It was meant mostly as a MT. 7:3 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" kind of watch your mouth. Although, I must admit when I hear someone attempt to trash a good friend and good mans character in Christ, there is still a part of me that would delight in taking THAT person behind the woodshed (since that analogy is fresh in peoples minds).

Anonymous said...

DW --

Did Seth actually say "down with America". I can't recall. If so, tell me where. Also, if so, check out the context. I don't think he would have been saying it literally but more like 'we really blew it in X area'.

At any rate, a grandfather whipping his grandson is a disturbing viewpoint. i don't know where in the Bible it says that a GRANDFATHER should whip his GRANDCHILD. It does speak about actual spanking but more from a PARENT pov. my grandparents never laid a finger on me. it wasn't their place. I don't know what kind of grandparents you had, but that just doesn't feel like the kind of role a grandparent should adopt........
oh and you made a new comment so nevermind. of course this does not apply to grandparents raising their grandkids....

I think that Seth's reaction is a such that he is concerned about Dave's blogging. I know Dave and I know he is a great guy (despite being a republican ;) J/K!) I get a little concerned myself to see what appears to be blind affection for the republican party and the re-election of Pres Bush. It's almost like Bush's reelection depends on his blog or something. That is probably why Seth reacts the way he does. It appears like the republican party and GWB is the only thing that matters to Dave (based on his blog entries).

OK everyone, Please don't scream at me. I'm just trying to explain things, the way I see them. I know Seth to be a thinking individual who does love his country but wants to see it succeed and be better and acknowledge the mistakes it has made. Just on the other hand, I know Dave M to be a loving guy who genuinely loves kids and people and is not SOLELY interested in the republican party.


Anonymous said...

Christians can vote kerry if they don't mind having liberal activist judges rewriting our country's laws. Vote kerry and we'll see plenty of partial birth abortion bans being lifted, gay rights being pushed in your face daily(since when do gay people not have rights anyway?), and of course higher taxes being brought to us two "great, down to earth guys" who love their loopholes.

Anonymous said...

Seth said "Down with America" on YOUR blog! It was one of his comments back in May/June where you eventually cut them and pasted them onto your actual blog. I just looked and I guess you took them down. The context to Seth's comment was (I believe) pertaining to the initial days of the Abu Ghraib scandal.
Hollar if you hear me,

Anonymous said...

i checked and i couldn't find any 'down with america' comments. i checked through all of the old haloscan comments which i no longer use and it wasn't there either. that is not saying he didn't say it....haloscan for some reason is deleting all the old stuff. so, i guess we will never know.

i'm not questioning your judgment, but is there a slight possibility that you guys thought he was essentially saying 'down with america' as opposed to actually saying it?

just checking

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to those comments Brendan was talking about. I haven't edited or changed them in any way. I didn't find the 'down with america' comment there, but maybe you will. At any rate, there is some good discussion in this post. Enjoy...


D said...

MG, his exact words were "Down With America Indeed" I remember them well. Trust me he said them. I am not 100% sure who's blog they were on but so many have changed their comments to Bloggers that I doubt we will find them.
Dave Webster

Anonymous said...

i am sure he will comment on this himself. regarless of him saying it, i think we all were a tad emotional following the abuse of iraqi pow's. i didn't say that but i could imagine having said it considering how i felt at the time. i'm sure he was specifically referring to what happened over there and not in general to the us. i am not trying to justify what he said. just realize he may ask for forgiveness and we all should remember that we all make mistakes or speak without thinking first.

D said...

I agree if he was sorry for saying it I can forgive him. I don't recall him saying he was sorry. No sweat off my brow, I am not the one who has to live with that comment archived in government vaults. And trust me it is!!!
I am more upset with him questioning Daves comitment to follow Christ. He may be a smart kid and be able to best me with words but....

Anonymous said...


we should do lunch sometime. i don;t ever see you anymore.

when you gonna come and visit cvc?

i'll be at vcc tomorrow night for hudson fahringer's dedication (my godson). unfortunately, i won't be leading worship!

anyways, let's do lunch in the next few weeks...

D said...

I would love to do lunch, and it sucks that you won't be leading worship. I will see you tomorrow night.