What a day, inches of ice, inches of snow. But thankfully we do have power. I have talked with several family and friends who are with out basic electricity this morning.
Got up had a cup of coffee and a nice walk out in the winter wonderland. After that it was time to clear the decks. Side walks, drive way the works isn't home ownership grand. Then I did go back in for some wonderful pancakes prepared by my lovely wife. After the breakfast it was time to get the girls out and sledding a bit.
Then the best part of the morning a wonderfully relaxing nap. And it is not even noon when all this has taken place.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Giving it a workout
I have been testing out the Web Browser Mozilla for about a week. I really like it. It is really easy to use and to this user it seems to work a lot faster than the standard IE. It even stops those annoying, and dangerous to your spiritual health pop-ups that you get when you go to a T-Blog website.
Best of yet it is free.
Best of yet it is free.
More Ch,Ch,Ch,Ch, Changes
From now on I have decided that all political discussion will take place over at BlogPundit. Granted I may be the first one to break the guideline considering my past track record.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
After taking much heat from some selected fellow bloggers I have decided it is time to begin to post some random thoughts and entries.
Event of the day, one fellow blogger who will remain anonymous lost control of a very large chicken wing at Quaker Steak and Lube today. Luckily he did escape without injury to his self or any innocent bystanders. The Lord was definately with us today. The Buffet Boys and fellow Wingmen escaped a scare today.
What have I been doing. Focusing, that would most likely explain it. I have been taking sometime to reflect and to slowdown and listen. In the process I have been reading and listening (trying for the most part) to here God's voice and to stay away from this particular computer and all of the news and information available to fill my mind of mush. I have also been spending more family time.
Youth Ministry:
I have been thinking the last week or so on this question. How can we provide more quality "HangTime" with middle school youth's? How can we schedule these times into our meetings without making our "HangTime" feel structured? How can we "pace" with our teens in an effective way that will create sharing times and not a forced time of instruction, a time of natural teaching that flows out of "Pacing" with them? What does this look like in a youth ministry setting? How do we make it happen without it feeling or looking forced? Those are some of my relevant questions.
Vineyard Church of Delaware County is really blessed to have Brendan Radtke coming on board in the future to lead the Middle School Ministry. He spoke last night at The Rock on "Moral Boundaries" and did an outstanding job. If you are involved in youth ministry and would like to have a good speaker at one of your events he would fill the bill for you. B and his wife will be a great addition to their team.
Also in the Kudos department my friend Carrie LaMay recently moved back to Michigan, but before she left she stopped by and surprised me with a stack of books that she wanted to give me a bunch of really good stuff from the Relevant Network line. Thank you Carrie I will miss you living here amongst us Buckeyes.
Event of the day, one fellow blogger who will remain anonymous lost control of a very large chicken wing at Quaker Steak and Lube today. Luckily he did escape without injury to his self or any innocent bystanders. The Lord was definately with us today. The Buffet Boys and fellow Wingmen escaped a scare today.
What have I been doing. Focusing, that would most likely explain it. I have been taking sometime to reflect and to slowdown and listen. In the process I have been reading and listening (trying for the most part) to here God's voice and to stay away from this particular computer and all of the news and information available to fill my mind of mush. I have also been spending more family time.
Youth Ministry:
I have been thinking the last week or so on this question. How can we provide more quality "HangTime" with middle school youth's? How can we schedule these times into our meetings without making our "HangTime" feel structured? How can we "pace" with our teens in an effective way that will create sharing times and not a forced time of instruction, a time of natural teaching that flows out of "Pacing" with them? What does this look like in a youth ministry setting? How do we make it happen without it feeling or looking forced? Those are some of my relevant questions.
Vineyard Church of Delaware County is really blessed to have Brendan Radtke coming on board in the future to lead the Middle School Ministry. He spoke last night at The Rock on "Moral Boundaries" and did an outstanding job. If you are involved in youth ministry and would like to have a good speaker at one of your events he would fill the bill for you. B and his wife will be a great addition to their team.
Also in the Kudos department my friend Carrie LaMay recently moved back to Michigan, but before she left she stopped by and surprised me with a stack of books that she wanted to give me a bunch of really good stuff from the Relevant Network line. Thank you Carrie I will miss you living here amongst us Buckeyes.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Desperate Last Minute Liberal Media Attack!
Remember yesterday all of the interest "missing weapons, missing weapons, Bush Knew...", and then of course John "I can't tell the Truth" Kerry jumped on it.
Well kudo's to Jim Miklaszewski and NBC News for being truthful and honest.
This via Drudge:
The NYTIMES urgently reported on Monday in an apprent October Surprise: The Iraqi interim government and the U.N. nuclear agency have warned the United States that nearly 380 tons of powerful conventional explosives are now missing from one of Iraq's most sensitive former military installations.
[The source behind the NYT story first went to CBSNEWS' 60 MINUTES last Wednesday, but the beleaguered network wasn't able to get the piece on the air as fast as the newspaper could print. Executive producer Jeff Fager hoped to break the story during a high-impact election eve broadcast of 60 MINS on October 31.]
Jumping on the TIMES exclusive, Dem presidential candidate John Kerry blasted the Bush administration for its failure to "guard those stockpiles."
"This is one of the great blunders of Iraq, one of the great blunders of this administration," Kerry said.
In an election week rush:
**ABCNEWS Mentioned The Iraq Explosives Depot At Least 4 Times
**CBSNEWS Mentioned The Iraq Explosives Depot At Least 7 Times
**MSNBC Mentioned The Iraq Explosives Depot At Least 37 Times
**CNN Mentioned The Iraq Explosives Depot At Least 50 Times
But tonight, NBCNEWS reported: The 380 tons of powerful conventional explosives were already missing back in April 10, 2003 -- when U.S. troops arrived at the installation south of Baghdad!
An NBCNEWS crew embedded with troops moved in to secure the Al-Qaqaa weapons facility on April 10, 2003, one day after the liberation of Iraq.
According to NBCNEWS, the HMX and RDX explosives were already missing when the American troops arrived.
"The U.S. Army was at the site one day after the liberation and the weapons were already gone," a top Republican blasted from Washington late Monday.
The International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors last saw the explosives in January 2003 when they took an inventory and placed fresh seals on the bunkers.
Dem vp hopeful John Edwards blasted Bush for not securing the explosives: "It is reckless and irresponsible to fail to protect and safeguard one of the largest weapons sites in the country. And by either ignoring these mistakes or being clueless about them, George Bush has failed. He has failed as our commander in chief; he has failed as president."
A senior Bush official e-mailed DRUDGE late Monday: "Let me get this straight, are Mr. Kerry and Mr. Edwards now saying we did not go into Iraq soon enough? We should have invaded and liberated Iraq sooner?"
Top Kerry adviser Joe Lockhart fired back Monday night: "In a shameless attempt to cover up its failure to secure 380 tons of highly explosive material in Iraq, the White House is desperately flailing in an effort to escape blame. Instead of distorting John Kerry’s words, the Bush campaign is now falsely and deliberately twisting the reports of journalists. It is the latest pathetic excuse from an administration that never admits a mistake, no matter how disastrous."
Why is the U.N. nuclear agency suddenly warning now that insurgents in Iraq may have obtained nearly 400 tons of missing explosives -- in early 2003?
NBCNEWS Jim Miklaszewski quoted one official: "Recent disagreements between the administration and the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency makes this announcement appear highly political."
The UN and the left wing liberal media in bed together again.
Well kudo's to Jim Miklaszewski and NBC News for being truthful and honest.
This via Drudge:
The NYTIMES urgently reported on Monday in an apprent October Surprise: The Iraqi interim government and the U.N. nuclear agency have warned the United States that nearly 380 tons of powerful conventional explosives are now missing from one of Iraq's most sensitive former military installations.
[The source behind the NYT story first went to CBSNEWS' 60 MINUTES last Wednesday, but the beleaguered network wasn't able to get the piece on the air as fast as the newspaper could print. Executive producer Jeff Fager hoped to break the story during a high-impact election eve broadcast of 60 MINS on October 31.]
Jumping on the TIMES exclusive, Dem presidential candidate John Kerry blasted the Bush administration for its failure to "guard those stockpiles."
"This is one of the great blunders of Iraq, one of the great blunders of this administration," Kerry said.
In an election week rush:
**ABCNEWS Mentioned The Iraq Explosives Depot At Least 4 Times
**CBSNEWS Mentioned The Iraq Explosives Depot At Least 7 Times
**MSNBC Mentioned The Iraq Explosives Depot At Least 37 Times
**CNN Mentioned The Iraq Explosives Depot At Least 50 Times
But tonight, NBCNEWS reported: The 380 tons of powerful conventional explosives were already missing back in April 10, 2003 -- when U.S. troops arrived at the installation south of Baghdad!
An NBCNEWS crew embedded with troops moved in to secure the Al-Qaqaa weapons facility on April 10, 2003, one day after the liberation of Iraq.
According to NBCNEWS, the HMX and RDX explosives were already missing when the American troops arrived.
"The U.S. Army was at the site one day after the liberation and the weapons were already gone," a top Republican blasted from Washington late Monday.
The International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors last saw the explosives in January 2003 when they took an inventory and placed fresh seals on the bunkers.
Dem vp hopeful John Edwards blasted Bush for not securing the explosives: "It is reckless and irresponsible to fail to protect and safeguard one of the largest weapons sites in the country. And by either ignoring these mistakes or being clueless about them, George Bush has failed. He has failed as our commander in chief; he has failed as president."
A senior Bush official e-mailed DRUDGE late Monday: "Let me get this straight, are Mr. Kerry and Mr. Edwards now saying we did not go into Iraq soon enough? We should have invaded and liberated Iraq sooner?"
Top Kerry adviser Joe Lockhart fired back Monday night: "In a shameless attempt to cover up its failure to secure 380 tons of highly explosive material in Iraq, the White House is desperately flailing in an effort to escape blame. Instead of distorting John Kerry’s words, the Bush campaign is now falsely and deliberately twisting the reports of journalists. It is the latest pathetic excuse from an administration that never admits a mistake, no matter how disastrous."
Why is the U.N. nuclear agency suddenly warning now that insurgents in Iraq may have obtained nearly 400 tons of missing explosives -- in early 2003?
NBCNEWS Jim Miklaszewski quoted one official: "Recent disagreements between the administration and the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency makes this announcement appear highly political."
The UN and the left wing liberal media in bed together again.
Monday, October 25, 2004
More Kerry Lie's Come to Light.
There are a couple of interesting story's out in the press today dealing with the seemingly habitual lying of John Kerry.
First from the Washington Times and his lying about meeting with the UN Security council before the Iraq vote. The Headline Reads:
Security Council members deny meeting Kerry
U.N. ambassadors from several nations are disputing assertions by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry that he met for hours with all members of the U.N. Security Council just a week before voting in October 2002 to authorize the use of force in Iraq.
And then this one from ESPN about his lie about being "30 Yards from Bill Buckner when he booted the ball in the 1986 World Series at SHea Stadium. This from Political Wire:
October 25, 2004
Was Kerry at Game 6 in 1986?
According to an ESPN interview, Sen. John Kerry claimed to be just "30 yards away" from Bill Buckner's infamous error in game 6 of the 1986 World Series. That fateful game was held at Shea Stadium in New York on October 25, 1986.
However, thanks to a sleuthing Political Wire reader, a Boston Globe article (from the archive) says Kerry was in Boston that night at a banquet:
Published on October 26, 1986
Author(s): Peter J. Howe, Globe Staff
New Mexico's governor, who holds the highest elected post of any Hispanic nationwide, and the head of the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination were given awards for political excellence last night by the Massachusetts Latino Democratic Committee.
More than 250 people -- including Gov. Dukakis, US Sen. John Kerry and an array of state Cabinet members -- attended the banquet at the World Trade Center in South Boston honoring Gov. Toney Anaya and Alex Rodriguez.
Kerry makes the same claim in a USA Today piece: "I was about 30 yards away from Billy Buckner when that ball wiggled away. I had cracked a bottle of champagne, was jumping up and down — prematurely."
Not the biggest issue in the world, but if Kerry was there I seriously doubt they had bottles of champagne in the stands behind the Mets dugout.
If we can't trust him to be honest about the little things why would we expect him to be honest about real life and death and security issue's.
First from the Washington Times and his lying about meeting with the UN Security council before the Iraq vote. The Headline Reads:
Security Council members deny meeting Kerry
U.N. ambassadors from several nations are disputing assertions by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry that he met for hours with all members of the U.N. Security Council just a week before voting in October 2002 to authorize the use of force in Iraq.
And then this one from ESPN about his lie about being "30 Yards from Bill Buckner when he booted the ball in the 1986 World Series at SHea Stadium. This from Political Wire:
October 25, 2004
Was Kerry at Game 6 in 1986?
According to an ESPN interview, Sen. John Kerry claimed to be just "30 yards away" from Bill Buckner's infamous error in game 6 of the 1986 World Series. That fateful game was held at Shea Stadium in New York on October 25, 1986.
However, thanks to a sleuthing Political Wire reader, a Boston Globe article (from the archive) says Kerry was in Boston that night at a banquet:
Published on October 26, 1986
Author(s): Peter J. Howe, Globe Staff
New Mexico's governor, who holds the highest elected post of any Hispanic nationwide, and the head of the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination were given awards for political excellence last night by the Massachusetts Latino Democratic Committee.
More than 250 people -- including Gov. Dukakis, US Sen. John Kerry and an array of state Cabinet members -- attended the banquet at the World Trade Center in South Boston honoring Gov. Toney Anaya and Alex Rodriguez.
Kerry makes the same claim in a USA Today piece: "I was about 30 yards away from Billy Buckner when that ball wiggled away. I had cracked a bottle of champagne, was jumping up and down — prematurely."
Not the biggest issue in the world, but if Kerry was there I seriously doubt they had bottles of champagne in the stands behind the Mets dugout.
If we can't trust him to be honest about the little things why would we expect him to be honest about real life and death and security issue's.
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Big Story
he Washington Times is set to release a story late tonight or early Monday morning that will demand a must response by the Kerry campaign. The story is rumored to deal with a another Kerry falsehood and point directly to his creditably problem. I will post a link when it is released.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
The Move Has Begun
The Mason-Dixon Polling Company, which had the best overall record in the 2000 and 2002 election cycles, is out with new numbers from the 2000 red states and 2000 blue states. The Red States break down as follows (B-K-N):
CO: 49-43-1 (+6)
MO: 49-44-x (+5)
NH: 48-45-1 (+3)
OH: 46-45-x (+1)
WV: 49-44-1 (+5)
NV: 52-42-1 (+10)
A surprise is Nevada, which many speculated would be a true swing state this year trending towards Kerry. More surprising are the numbers for the Blue States that are slowly leaking out.
PA: 45-46 (-1)
OR: 45-46 (-1)
WI: 45-45 TIE
IA: 49-43 (+5)
NM: 49-44 (+5)
MI: 46-47 (-1)
MN: 47-45 (+2)
It should be troubling for Kerry's campaign that Bush is leading in all five of the red states listed and in Mason-Dixon's Florida poll and Bush is ahead in 3 of the Gore Blue States.
CO: 49-43-1 (+6)
MO: 49-44-x (+5)
NH: 48-45-1 (+3)
OH: 46-45-x (+1)
WV: 49-44-1 (+5)
NV: 52-42-1 (+10)
A surprise is Nevada, which many speculated would be a true swing state this year trending towards Kerry. More surprising are the numbers for the Blue States that are slowly leaking out.
PA: 45-46 (-1)
OR: 45-46 (-1)
WI: 45-45 TIE
IA: 49-43 (+5)
NM: 49-44 (+5)
MI: 46-47 (-1)
MN: 47-45 (+2)
It should be troubling for Kerry's campaign that Bush is leading in all five of the red states listed and in Mason-Dixon's Florida poll and Bush is ahead in 3 of the Gore Blue States.
Monday, October 18, 2004
EXCOMMUNICATED: John Kerry Excommunicated by The Vatican
Catholic World News is reporting today that John Kerry has been EXCOMMUNICATED by the Catholic Church.
Kerry said to be excommunicated
Los Angeles, Oct. 18 (CWNews.com) - A consultant to the Vatican has said Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry has incurred the penalty of excommunication from the Catholic Church.
The Catholic World News story also highlights the strong anti-Kerry sentiment inside the Catholic Church:
"the original canonical complaint of heresy against Kerry had received so much response from the public that the tribunal of the Archdiocese of Boston has been deluged with thousands of letters from ordinary Catholics who wish to add their names to the complaint."
Not even following the tenants of his own faith that he has been "preaching" on the trail and in black churches each weekend.
You can read the whole story here.
Kerry said to be excommunicated
Los Angeles, Oct. 18 (CWNews.com) - A consultant to the Vatican has said Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry has incurred the penalty of excommunication from the Catholic Church.
The Catholic World News story also highlights the strong anti-Kerry sentiment inside the Catholic Church:
"the original canonical complaint of heresy against Kerry had received so much response from the public that the tribunal of the Archdiocese of Boston has been deluged with thousands of letters from ordinary Catholics who wish to add their names to the complaint."
Not even following the tenants of his own faith that he has been "preaching" on the trail and in black churches each weekend.
You can read the whole story here.
Kerry Campaign Using the Barter System
Mon Oct 18 2004 13:26:03 ET
October 18, 2004
The Defiance County Sheriff's Office arrested Chad Staton, age 22, of Stratton Ave., Defiance, on a charge of False Registration, in Violation of Section 3599.11 of the Ohio Revised Code, a felony of the fifth degree.
The SheriffÕs Office alleges that Staton filled out over 100 voter registration forms that were fictitious. Staton was to be paid for each registration form that he could get citizens to fill out. However, Staton himself filled out the registrations and returned them to the woman who hired him from Toledo, Ohio. Deputies allege that Staton was paid crack cocaine for the falsified registrations.
Defiance Deputies along with Toledo Police Department detectives conducted a search warrant of a residence on Woodland in Toledo, believed to be the home of the woman who hired Staton to solicit voter registration. Officers confiscated drug paraphernalia along with voter registration forms from the home. The occupant of the home, Georgianne Pitts, age 41, advised law enforcement, along with Ohio B.C.I.&I., that she had been recruited by Thaddeus J. Jackson, II, of Cleveland, to obtain voter registrations. Pitts admitted to paying Staton crack cocaine for the registrations in lieu of money.
A business card provided by Pitts indicated that Jackson is the Assistant NVF Ohio Director of the NAACP National Voter Fund.
The initial complaint received by the Sheriff's Office came from the Defiance County Board of Elections. The Board had received the 100 plus registration forms from the Cuyahoga Board of Elections that had been submitted to the Cuyahoga Board by the NAACP National Voter Fund
Mon Oct 18 2004 13:26:03 ET
October 18, 2004
The Defiance County Sheriff's Office arrested Chad Staton, age 22, of Stratton Ave., Defiance, on a charge of False Registration, in Violation of Section 3599.11 of the Ohio Revised Code, a felony of the fifth degree.
The SheriffÕs Office alleges that Staton filled out over 100 voter registration forms that were fictitious. Staton was to be paid for each registration form that he could get citizens to fill out. However, Staton himself filled out the registrations and returned them to the woman who hired him from Toledo, Ohio. Deputies allege that Staton was paid crack cocaine for the falsified registrations.
Defiance Deputies along with Toledo Police Department detectives conducted a search warrant of a residence on Woodland in Toledo, believed to be the home of the woman who hired Staton to solicit voter registration. Officers confiscated drug paraphernalia along with voter registration forms from the home. The occupant of the home, Georgianne Pitts, age 41, advised law enforcement, along with Ohio B.C.I.&I., that she had been recruited by Thaddeus J. Jackson, II, of Cleveland, to obtain voter registrations. Pitts admitted to paying Staton crack cocaine for the registrations in lieu of money.
A business card provided by Pitts indicated that Jackson is the Assistant NVF Ohio Director of the NAACP National Voter Fund.
The initial complaint received by the Sheriff's Office came from the Defiance County Board of Elections. The Board had received the 100 plus registration forms from the Cuyahoga Board of Elections that had been submitted to the Cuyahoga Board by the NAACP National Voter Fund
Thursday, October 14, 2004
BUSH - 3, KERRY - 0
Facts, plan, accomplishments and clear vision for America...That say's it all. President Bush delivered strong knockout over the Senator Kerry last night. Senator Kerry was on the defense all night last night as the President took the offense calling out the liberal Senators lies and exaggerations time and time again. While himself offering facts, plans and clear concise vision for the country.
The very cheap dirty politics shoot that Senator Kerry took at Vice-President Cheney's daughter Mary was a clear example of a core character issue with this team of Kerry and Edwards as evidenced by their claim that the paralyzed will walk if John Kerry is elected.
The Mary Cheney shoot was un called for and vicious and goes directly to the desperateness and mean spirited hate filled campaign they have ran from the DNC from the outset.
Bush - 3, KERRY - 0
UPDATE: The GayPatriot has some interesting thoughts on the whole Mary Cheney cheap shot.
Also Lynne Cheney is not taking this one lying down she is fighting mad....
The very cheap dirty politics shoot that Senator Kerry took at Vice-President Cheney's daughter Mary was a clear example of a core character issue with this team of Kerry and Edwards as evidenced by their claim that the paralyzed will walk if John Kerry is elected.
The Mary Cheney shoot was un called for and vicious and goes directly to the desperateness and mean spirited hate filled campaign they have ran from the DNC from the outset.
Bush - 3, KERRY - 0
UPDATE: The GayPatriot has some interesting thoughts on the whole Mary Cheney cheap shot.
Also Lynne Cheney is not taking this one lying down she is fighting mad....
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
So Many Good Quotes Today!
Kerry Senior Advisor Chad Clanton to SINCLAIR Broadcasting: 'They better hope we don't win' [said on FOX NEWS DAYSIDE]...
and Promises
Edwards Stem Cell Vision: 'We will stop juvenile diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other debilitating diseases... When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.' Edwards made the unprecedented campaign promises during 30-minute speech at Newton High School gym in Newton, Iowa...
John Edwards
Kerry Senior Advisor Chad Clanton to SINCLAIR Broadcasting: 'They better hope we don't win' [said on FOX NEWS DAYSIDE]...
and Promises
Edwards Stem Cell Vision: 'We will stop juvenile diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other debilitating diseases... When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.' Edwards made the unprecedented campaign promises during 30-minute speech at Newton High School gym in Newton, Iowa...
John Edwards
Wisdom of the Nobel Prize Winner
Edward Prescott, who picked up the Nobel Prize for Economics on Monday, said President George Bush's tax rate cuts were "pretty small" and should have been bigger.
"What Bush has done has been not very big, it's pretty small," Prescott said.
"Tax rates were not cut enough," said Prescott.
Lower tax rates provided an incentive to work, Prescott said.
Prescott and Norwegian Finn Kydland won the 2004 Nobel Economics Prize for research into the forces behind business cycles.
The American analyst, who is a professor at Arizona State University and a researcher at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, said a large tax cut in 1986 had lowered rates while collecting the same revenue.
But "in the early nineties the economy was depressed by the tax increase in 1993 by about four percent, and it's right at that level now," Prescott said.
"What Bush has done has been not very big, it's pretty small," Prescott said.
"Tax rates were not cut enough," said Prescott.
Lower tax rates provided an incentive to work, Prescott said.
Prescott and Norwegian Finn Kydland won the 2004 Nobel Economics Prize for research into the forces behind business cycles.
The American analyst, who is a professor at Arizona State University and a researcher at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, said a large tax cut in 1986 had lowered rates while collecting the same revenue.
But "in the early nineties the economy was depressed by the tax increase in 1993 by about four percent, and it's right at that level now," Prescott said.
Monday, October 11, 2004
Do As I Say, Not As I Do
It is amazing how the left will do one thing but say the other, and of course all the time calling the President a Liar.
That condescending mantra ("do as I say, not as I do") would be an apt slogan for John Kerry's tax plan. As the indispensable Club for Growth's Stephen Moore points out in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece today (subscription required), while Kerry has been badmouthing President Bush's growth-oriented tax cuts as a giveaway to the "rich" (as if allowing people to keep what belongs to them is giving them something), Kerry has been doing everything he can to avoid paying his "fair share."
George & Laura Bush: 30.4%
Typical Middle Class Family: 20%
John & Teresa Kerry: 12.8%
Now, some people may call Kerry's attacks on the President hypocritical, given the extent to which the Kerrys are (legally) dodging their tax burden. But while they can afford fleets of lawyers to pay minimal taxes on massive incomes, most Americans cannot and Kerry even voted against the President's tax cut for middle class families. So, let the voters make their own judgments about Kerry's attitude towards taxes. It's another instance of cheap talk by Kerry versus proven action by the President.
Note: According to a Congressional Budget Office study (last panel of Table 4) requested by Democrats, the burden of federal income taxes falls more heavily on the wealthy after President Bush's tax cut than before. So if the Democrats want to undo the President's tax cut, they will be making the system less progressive.
Drudge also picks up the scent.
And John Kerry's own Hometown Newspaper, the Boston Globe also is on the Story. This story also includes copies of the financial documents signed by Mr. Kerry.
That condescending mantra ("do as I say, not as I do") would be an apt slogan for John Kerry's tax plan. As the indispensable Club for Growth's Stephen Moore points out in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece today (subscription required), while Kerry has been badmouthing President Bush's growth-oriented tax cuts as a giveaway to the "rich" (as if allowing people to keep what belongs to them is giving them something), Kerry has been doing everything he can to avoid paying his "fair share."
George & Laura Bush: 30.4%
Typical Middle Class Family: 20%
John & Teresa Kerry: 12.8%
Now, some people may call Kerry's attacks on the President hypocritical, given the extent to which the Kerrys are (legally) dodging their tax burden. But while they can afford fleets of lawyers to pay minimal taxes on massive incomes, most Americans cannot and Kerry even voted against the President's tax cut for middle class families. So, let the voters make their own judgments about Kerry's attitude towards taxes. It's another instance of cheap talk by Kerry versus proven action by the President.
Note: According to a Congressional Budget Office study (last panel of Table 4) requested by Democrats, the burden of federal income taxes falls more heavily on the wealthy after President Bush's tax cut than before. So if the Democrats want to undo the President's tax cut, they will be making the system less progressive.
Drudge also picks up the scent.
And John Kerry's own Hometown Newspaper, the Boston Globe also is on the Story. This story also includes copies of the financial documents signed by Mr. Kerry.
A Must Listen
A good friend of mine Daniel Cardani sent this amazing piece of audio to me it is a definite must listen. Though to those of us who know and read and pay attention this little audio clip comes as NO surprise.
Audio Clip
Audio Clip
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Freedom is Powerful
A movie theater next to an Afghan restaurant in the Little Kabul area of Fremont, Calif., displays a sign thanking President Bush for the elections in Afghanistan:

Saturday, October 09, 2004
Good News Down Under
Good news from down under in Australia. One of America's staunch allies and partner with President Bush in The War on Terror, John Howard won re-election and gained more support with his parties pick-up of Senate seats.
This is a key victory in The War on Terror. The Democratic Party had dispatched many of their operatives to Australia to try an influence this election as a referendum on George W. Bush through his allies. Even Senator Kerry's sister campaigned hard in favor of The Labor Party's Mark Latham, a strong anti-Bush, anti-America candidate.
This is a key victory in The War on Terror. The Democratic Party had dispatched many of their operatives to Australia to try an influence this election as a referendum on George W. Bush through his allies. Even Senator Kerry's sister campaigned hard in favor of The Labor Party's Mark Latham, a strong anti-Bush, anti-America candidate.
BUSH - 2, KERRY - 0
Well if you watched the debate to night you saw a President Bush rather handily defeat Senator Kerry on both substance and style.
From the opening question Senator Kerry launched in to an angry accusatory attack on the President. The President showing what truly great leaders are made of landed a huge blow on substance laying out the many changing positions of the Senator on almost every issue and calling him to task on how the tax cuts have enormously benefited EVERYONE in the current economic recovery we are in.
It was like watching a heavyweight championship fight when the champion lands a knockdown blow which the challenger tasks the standing 8 count for and never recovers or clears the fog from his head for the rest of the match.
What was different tonight from the first debate was that for the first time Senator Kerry was forced to deal with his rather dismal 20 plus year Senate record. He was constantly avoiding and running from his legislative record over the last 20 years. Trying to paint a favorable slant on a unfavorable record to most American's. Senator Kerry would skirt and dance around questions at every opportunity.
One especially poignant line of questioning concerned two key issues. Stemcell research and the abortion question late in the debate. Both questions Senator Kerry seemed to ramble on incoherently trying to say on one hand he is a man of faith but then taking very unfaith based stands on both issues. In both cases not really seeming thoroughly committed to his answer. It was especially interesting to her Senator Kerry make the statement about not invoking his personal beliefs on others in light of The Pope's call today for Catholic's to present their faith more strongly in public?
The stemcell debate hits home with me and I am in total agreement with the President. As a diabetic I would greatly benefit by any gains made in the research from stemcell's. But as a Christian and a voter, and in that order (contrary to some popular beliefs going around in the blogsphere), I support the Presidents policy of choosing life over research, ethics over science. It is important to do the research but use the 70 or so existing lines that are available, Senator Kerry's claims of 11 to 20 is totally wrong. I don't not want to benefit from the unethically harvesting of innocent life for my health gain.
basically the whole night comes down to the fact that the President was on his game and the Senator never recovered from the early knockdown by the President. The President was in command of the facts and details will Senator Kerry grasped for words and catchy campaign slogans or his standard "go to my website" for more information on my plans. Kerry skirted and mislead the debate audience and national audience with misleading statements and conflicting accounts of his 20 year voting record that again his was finally called into account on and was found to be quite lacking. The key line to sum it up was the one the President repeatedly hammered him with, "you can run, but you can't hide."
The President was on message and in control of the facts and details all night. Some key points he made was the linkage and connections to Saddam Hussein, France, Germany, Russia and the UN and the corruption link and their direct misleading of the inspectors through the "Oil for Food" program.
His linkage of the rising cost of healthcare and the billions made by John Edwards in driving up those cost to where they are now was another knockdown blow to the Kerry/Edwards record as was Kerry's 20 plus non-record on Tort reform which he know wants to embrace for political gain. With a trail lawyer on the ticket do you really believe that will happen?
Great lines tonight:
"If he won the war in Kosovo, why are we still there?" - President Bush, refer to Senator's Kerry's claim of backing from General Wesley Clark who Kerry said won the war in Kosovo.
"I own a lumber company, that is news to me, wanna buy some wood?" -President Bush on Kerry's claim the President owned a lumber company and received $84 in dividends.
"The war on terror is not just Osama Bin Laden, it is stopping WMD's everywhere." President Bush.
Key to the whole night was the focus on Senator Kerry's 20 + year Liberal voting record and pushing the "he's a liberal" line. Obviously they have tested this line and it works and also the Democrat's have tested it and know it works against them and are trying to distance Senator Kerry from it. Mark this down this will be driven home time and time again until election day.
Final thought, the President score early and often and the Senator never was able to clear his head or get off his heals.
Bush wins tonight on both style and substance.
Bush - 2 Kerry - 1
p.s. Drudge has an internal ABCNEWS memo instructing their news team to "Help Kerry win this election."
No liberal bias there is there.
From the opening question Senator Kerry launched in to an angry accusatory attack on the President. The President showing what truly great leaders are made of landed a huge blow on substance laying out the many changing positions of the Senator on almost every issue and calling him to task on how the tax cuts have enormously benefited EVERYONE in the current economic recovery we are in.
It was like watching a heavyweight championship fight when the champion lands a knockdown blow which the challenger tasks the standing 8 count for and never recovers or clears the fog from his head for the rest of the match.
What was different tonight from the first debate was that for the first time Senator Kerry was forced to deal with his rather dismal 20 plus year Senate record. He was constantly avoiding and running from his legislative record over the last 20 years. Trying to paint a favorable slant on a unfavorable record to most American's. Senator Kerry would skirt and dance around questions at every opportunity.
One especially poignant line of questioning concerned two key issues. Stemcell research and the abortion question late in the debate. Both questions Senator Kerry seemed to ramble on incoherently trying to say on one hand he is a man of faith but then taking very unfaith based stands on both issues. In both cases not really seeming thoroughly committed to his answer. It was especially interesting to her Senator Kerry make the statement about not invoking his personal beliefs on others in light of The Pope's call today for Catholic's to present their faith more strongly in public?
The stemcell debate hits home with me and I am in total agreement with the President. As a diabetic I would greatly benefit by any gains made in the research from stemcell's. But as a Christian and a voter, and in that order (contrary to some popular beliefs going around in the blogsphere), I support the Presidents policy of choosing life over research, ethics over science. It is important to do the research but use the 70 or so existing lines that are available, Senator Kerry's claims of 11 to 20 is totally wrong. I don't not want to benefit from the unethically harvesting of innocent life for my health gain.
basically the whole night comes down to the fact that the President was on his game and the Senator never recovered from the early knockdown by the President. The President was in command of the facts and details will Senator Kerry grasped for words and catchy campaign slogans or his standard "go to my website" for more information on my plans. Kerry skirted and mislead the debate audience and national audience with misleading statements and conflicting accounts of his 20 year voting record that again his was finally called into account on and was found to be quite lacking. The key line to sum it up was the one the President repeatedly hammered him with, "you can run, but you can't hide."
The President was on message and in control of the facts and details all night. Some key points he made was the linkage and connections to Saddam Hussein, France, Germany, Russia and the UN and the corruption link and their direct misleading of the inspectors through the "Oil for Food" program.
His linkage of the rising cost of healthcare and the billions made by John Edwards in driving up those cost to where they are now was another knockdown blow to the Kerry/Edwards record as was Kerry's 20 plus non-record on Tort reform which he know wants to embrace for political gain. With a trail lawyer on the ticket do you really believe that will happen?
Great lines tonight:
"If he won the war in Kosovo, why are we still there?" - President Bush, refer to Senator's Kerry's claim of backing from General Wesley Clark who Kerry said won the war in Kosovo.
"I own a lumber company, that is news to me, wanna buy some wood?" -President Bush on Kerry's claim the President owned a lumber company and received $84 in dividends.
"The war on terror is not just Osama Bin Laden, it is stopping WMD's everywhere." President Bush.
Key to the whole night was the focus on Senator Kerry's 20 + year Liberal voting record and pushing the "he's a liberal" line. Obviously they have tested this line and it works and also the Democrat's have tested it and know it works against them and are trying to distance Senator Kerry from it. Mark this down this will be driven home time and time again until election day.
Final thought, the President score early and often and the Senator never was able to clear his head or get off his heals.
Bush wins tonight on both style and substance.
Bush - 2 Kerry - 1
p.s. Drudge has an internal ABCNEWS memo instructing their news team to "Help Kerry win this election."
No liberal bias there is there.
Friday, October 08, 2004
Clearer Heads Prevail
ABC NEWS and The Washington Post (not your conservative paper) have just released a new poll.
Bush Has 5-Point Lead in New Poll
In the aftermath of last week's debate, Bush leads Kerry 51 percent to 46 percent among those most likely to vote, according to polling conducted Friday through Sunday.
Bush Has 5-Point Lead in New Poll
In the aftermath of last week's debate, Bush leads Kerry 51 percent to 46 percent among those most likely to vote, according to polling conducted Friday through Sunday.
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Old Fashioned Shellakin'
Ever seen a young grandson get taken out behind the woodshed and given a good ol' but whippen by his more knowledgable Grandfather.
Well that is exactly what we witness tonight, Vice President Cheney taking John (Boy) Edwards out behind the woodshed and yankin' the hide off his beeeehhhhiiiinnndd.....
Well that is exactly what we witness tonight, Vice President Cheney taking John (Boy) Edwards out behind the woodshed and yankin' the hide off his beeeehhhhiiiinnndd.....
I broke my glasses today. Why do you say is that so important to blog about and to title it thankful. Well I will tell you.
Because of the broken glasses and our American System of healthcare it made me very thankful that I do not live in Canada under Socialized Medical Insurance, because I would be on a waiting list for the next (3) three months just to see a doctor to fix them. I can go to the doctor today or tomorrow and have them fixed. Sure it will cost me a little more because of ambulance chasing frivolous lawsuits that won John Edwards his billions of dollars. But I can get them fixed today.
The advantage I do have here in America is I could hire John Edwards to file a law suit against the lens maker, the eye doctor, the frame maker and the insurance company making me some money and adding to his billions from chasing ambulances and channeling dead clients.
In one of Edwards' silver-tongued arguments to the jury on behalf of a girl born with cerebral palsy, he claimed he was channeling the unborn baby girl, Jennifer Campbell, who was speaking to the jurors through him:
"She said at 3, 'I'm fine.' She said at 4, 'I'm having a little trouble, but I'm doing OK.' Five, she said, 'I'm having problems.' At 5:30, she said, 'I need out.'"
"She speaks to you through me and I have to tell you right now -- I didn't plan to talk about this -- right now I feel her. I feel her presence. She's inside me, and she's talking to you."
Because of the broken glasses and our American System of healthcare it made me very thankful that I do not live in Canada under Socialized Medical Insurance, because I would be on a waiting list for the next (3) three months just to see a doctor to fix them. I can go to the doctor today or tomorrow and have them fixed. Sure it will cost me a little more because of ambulance chasing frivolous lawsuits that won John Edwards his billions of dollars. But I can get them fixed today.
The advantage I do have here in America is I could hire John Edwards to file a law suit against the lens maker, the eye doctor, the frame maker and the insurance company making me some money and adding to his billions from chasing ambulances and channeling dead clients.
In one of Edwards' silver-tongued arguments to the jury on behalf of a girl born with cerebral palsy, he claimed he was channeling the unborn baby girl, Jennifer Campbell, who was speaking to the jurors through him:
"She said at 3, 'I'm fine.' She said at 4, 'I'm having a little trouble, but I'm doing OK.' Five, she said, 'I'm having problems.' At 5:30, she said, 'I need out.'"
"She speaks to you through me and I have to tell you right now -- I didn't plan to talk about this -- right now I feel her. I feel her presence. She's inside me, and she's talking to you."
Our Brother in Christ
I have been reading a book loaned to me by a friend titled "A Man of Faith" The spiritual Journey of George W. Bush by respected former Senior Correspondent for Time Magazine, journalist David Aikman.
Thomas Nelson Publishers
If you haven't made up your mind on who you are going to vote for or you have and it is not the President that you intend to vote for this passage should be all you need to know who is right man for the job.
If you are a follower of Christ just reading this passage from the book makes it certain you should be behind President Bush.
Page 157 of "Man of Faith":
"SOME OF THE LEAST KNOWN, though in many ways most telling, illustrations of George W.'s Faith have come from within the White House itself. One incident I heard about from two sources, independent of each other. When a White House courier once entered the Oval Office unannounced to make a very important delivery, there was no sign of the president. Only his shoes were protruding from behind his desk. The president of the United States was lying prostrate on the floor in prayer."
This factor alone, not withstanding the clear distinction of biblical principles and guidelines that President Bush is guided by and the way Senator Kerry snubs his nose and is in direct contradiction to biblical principles, should compel ever Christian to Vote for the President Bush's re-election.

Thomas Nelson Publishers
If you haven't made up your mind on who you are going to vote for or you have and it is not the President that you intend to vote for this passage should be all you need to know who is right man for the job.
If you are a follower of Christ just reading this passage from the book makes it certain you should be behind President Bush.
Page 157 of "Man of Faith":
"SOME OF THE LEAST KNOWN, though in many ways most telling, illustrations of George W.'s Faith have come from within the White House itself. One incident I heard about from two sources, independent of each other. When a White House courier once entered the Oval Office unannounced to make a very important delivery, there was no sign of the president. Only his shoes were protruding from behind his desk. The president of the United States was lying prostrate on the floor in prayer."
This factor alone, not withstanding the clear distinction of biblical principles and guidelines that President Bush is guided by and the way Senator Kerry snubs his nose and is in direct contradiction to biblical principles, should compel ever Christian to Vote for the President Bush's re-election.
Monday, October 04, 2004
New Polls Out (Post Debate)
New post debate polls out:
Pew: Bush Up 7, 48-41
New ABC/Washington Post Poll to Show Bush Up 5 Points
Pew: Bush Up 7, 48-41
New ABC/Washington Post Poll to Show Bush Up 5 Points
The President Right Again
It seems again that the President has been RIGHT all along. As a high ranking senior government official though not a political appointee has confirmed the evidence of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction program and his links to Al Qaeda.
(CNSNews.com) - Iraqi intelligence documents, confiscated by U.S. forces and obtained by CNSNews.com, show numerous efforts by Saddam Hussein's regime to work with some of the world's most notorious terror organizations, including al Qaeda, to target Americans. They demonstrate that Saddam's government possessed mustard gas and anthrax, both considered weapons of mass destruction, in the summer of 2000, during the period in which United Nations weapons inspectors were not present in Iraq. And the papers show that Iraq trained dozens of terrorists inside its borders.
It seems time and time again the Presidents truthfulness is tested he ALWAYS comes out on top in the end. He never bad mouths or whines when his creditbility is questioned he just turns the other cheek and waits for the truth to come out as it always does. What is done in darkness WILL be brought to light.
Read the story here.
(CNSNews.com) - Iraqi intelligence documents, confiscated by U.S. forces and obtained by CNSNews.com, show numerous efforts by Saddam Hussein's regime to work with some of the world's most notorious terror organizations, including al Qaeda, to target Americans. They demonstrate that Saddam's government possessed mustard gas and anthrax, both considered weapons of mass destruction, in the summer of 2000, during the period in which United Nations weapons inspectors were not present in Iraq. And the papers show that Iraq trained dozens of terrorists inside its borders.
It seems time and time again the Presidents truthfulness is tested he ALWAYS comes out on top in the end. He never bad mouths or whines when his creditbility is questioned he just turns the other cheek and waits for the truth to come out as it always does. What is done in darkness WILL be brought to light.
Read the story here.
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Kerry Cheated III (Frame by Frame)
Here is a great frame by frame series of Kerry Cheating at the debate and pulling the unauthorized materials from his pocket (most likely talking points on note cards or a foldout cheat sheet).
Here is a very nice high resolution video in QuickTime format the Kerry Cheating incident.
Great KerryDebateCheatingGate discussion going on over at Little Green Footballs.
Here is a very nice high resolution video in QuickTime format the Kerry Cheating incident.
Great KerryDebateCheatingGate discussion going on over at Little Green Footballs.
Kerry Cheated II
The Boston Globe, Kerry's hometown paper, has a good video feed of the Kerry cheating at last Thirsday's debate.
See it Here.
See it Here.
Kerry Cheated in First debate!
John Kerry violated the memorandum of understanding or rules of the debate last Thursday night as these still frame pictures from a the video footage of the debate clearly verifies.
As you can see from the photo's Mr. Kerry, in direct violation of the pre-debate agreed upon rules, clearly pulls some 3" x 5" card or a folded "cheat sheet" with campaign talking points from his jacket pocket. This would clearly explain his use of campaign slogans and rhetoric Thursday night and no real substance to his answers unlike the President used so frequently from memory in his answers.
This gives a whole new dynamic to the claim by liberals that the President has no substance, no intellect. President Bush did not need a cheat sheet last Thursday. He was focused and answering question from his heart even after a full day of doing the work of the President in working with and for the hurricane victims of Florida.
again it looks as though we are face again with two visions for American and our children.
A vision where extra-marital affairs in the Oval Office are okay and kids learn to believe that this really isn't sex because it all depends on you definition of "is", is. And where cheating at a debate is natural for you. Where young children will take from the lesson that cheating to win is okay.
It is the weekend and this story will begin to break heavy tomorrow on the morning cable news show.
Here is a link to the video of the cheating.
Lots of people are buzzing about the cheating here are some great links.
INDC Journal
Polical Wire

As you can see from the photo's Mr. Kerry, in direct violation of the pre-debate agreed upon rules, clearly pulls some 3" x 5" card or a folded "cheat sheet" with campaign talking points from his jacket pocket. This would clearly explain his use of campaign slogans and rhetoric Thursday night and no real substance to his answers unlike the President used so frequently from memory in his answers.
This gives a whole new dynamic to the claim by liberals that the President has no substance, no intellect. President Bush did not need a cheat sheet last Thursday. He was focused and answering question from his heart even after a full day of doing the work of the President in working with and for the hurricane victims of Florida.
again it looks as though we are face again with two visions for American and our children.
A vision where extra-marital affairs in the Oval Office are okay and kids learn to believe that this really isn't sex because it all depends on you definition of "is", is. And where cheating at a debate is natural for you. Where young children will take from the lesson that cheating to win is okay.
It is the weekend and this story will begin to break heavy tomorrow on the morning cable news show.
Here is a link to the video of the cheating.
Lots of people are buzzing about the cheating here are some great links.
INDC Journal
Polical Wire
Friday, October 01, 2004
Editoral Praise for The President
The Washington Post in its Editoral page today clear agrees that the President took the first debate. This is by no means a conservative paper:
Mr. Bush was skillful and relentless in underlining these "mixed messages," and in arguing that a president who sent them could not effectively lead U.S. forces or recruit allies. "So what's the message going to be? Please join us in Iraq for a grand diversion?" he demanded at one point. Mr. Kerry seemed not to have an answer to this challenge; his argument that "the real war on terrorism [is] in Afghanistan against Osama bin Laden" seemed to us unconvincing alongside Mr. Bush's repeated insistence that success in Iraq and on other fronts is equally vital to U.S. security. After all, not so long ago Mr. Kerry said he, too, believed that Saddam Hussein represented a grave threat that the United States could not afford to ignore.
This from the Las Vegas Review Journal and what a great headline:
EDITORIAL: Tone-deaf Kerry loses crucial debate
Fails to lay a glove with talk of 'global tests,' and 'bringing in' the Europeans
Democratic challenger John Kerry entered the first presidential debate in Coral Gables, Fla., Thursday night running behind. He needed to win this debate. Many pundits proclaimed that he did so, simply by making no major mistakes while arguing a subject -- foreign policy -- considered to be his greatest weakness. They are wrong. He lost.
President Bush won the debate at precisely the midpoint. He did it with a reminiscence of an Iraq War widow named Misty Bryan visiting with him after losing her husband, P.J., in that war.
The very fact that George W. Bush is not a glib man made it obvious his emotion was sincere, as he said of the young war widow, "It's hard work to love her the best I can. I told her after we prayed together, and teared up and laughed some ... that her husband's sacrifice was noble."
Dick Morris, former Clinton Guru:
PRESIDENT Bush's positions on the issues aired in the debate last night are so sound and John Kerry's so contradictory that the Republican could not help but win the debate.
BO SCHEMBECHLER: Bush has proved himself a leader thats right Woody's old nemisis Bo Schembechler:
I like to think most people would agree that I know football. I also know a little something about character, commitment and leadership. The past three years, President George W. Bush has dealt with situations no president has ever faced, and he has emerged as one of the most principled leaders our country has ever seen. What I find remarkable and admirable is that the president has risen to the challenge every time: confronting unprecedented threats to national security and displaying the resolve to carry America through the tough times.
He is dedicated to defending our nation at home and abroad. And he defends through smart offense -- bringing the war to the terrorists so we don't have to fight them again here at home.
The American people have a choice to make in November; that choice is clear to me. They have a choice of a man who is unafraid to defend our nation and protect the security of every American. They have a choice of a man who is determined to lead the world to freedom and peace, and win the war on terror. They have a choice of a man who will make the tough decisions when they must be made, no matter the political winds.
I know Michigan, I know the values Michiganders stand for, and I know Michigan needs four more years of President Bush. He has my vote, and he deserves yours, too.
These are just selected highlights. You have to read the whole piece at The Detroit Free Press
H.D.S. Grenway in Kerry's Hometown Boston Globe
John Podhoretz in the NYPost
Fred Barnes,The Weekly Standard
I could go on and on but the consensus is clear.
Mr. Bush was skillful and relentless in underlining these "mixed messages," and in arguing that a president who sent them could not effectively lead U.S. forces or recruit allies. "So what's the message going to be? Please join us in Iraq for a grand diversion?" he demanded at one point. Mr. Kerry seemed not to have an answer to this challenge; his argument that "the real war on terrorism [is] in Afghanistan against Osama bin Laden" seemed to us unconvincing alongside Mr. Bush's repeated insistence that success in Iraq and on other fronts is equally vital to U.S. security. After all, not so long ago Mr. Kerry said he, too, believed that Saddam Hussein represented a grave threat that the United States could not afford to ignore.
This from the Las Vegas Review Journal and what a great headline:
EDITORIAL: Tone-deaf Kerry loses crucial debate
Fails to lay a glove with talk of 'global tests,' and 'bringing in' the Europeans
Democratic challenger John Kerry entered the first presidential debate in Coral Gables, Fla., Thursday night running behind. He needed to win this debate. Many pundits proclaimed that he did so, simply by making no major mistakes while arguing a subject -- foreign policy -- considered to be his greatest weakness. They are wrong. He lost.
President Bush won the debate at precisely the midpoint. He did it with a reminiscence of an Iraq War widow named Misty Bryan visiting with him after losing her husband, P.J., in that war.
The very fact that George W. Bush is not a glib man made it obvious his emotion was sincere, as he said of the young war widow, "It's hard work to love her the best I can. I told her after we prayed together, and teared up and laughed some ... that her husband's sacrifice was noble."
Dick Morris, former Clinton Guru:
PRESIDENT Bush's positions on the issues aired in the debate last night are so sound and John Kerry's so contradictory that the Republican could not help but win the debate.
BO SCHEMBECHLER: Bush has proved himself a leader thats right Woody's old nemisis Bo Schembechler:
I like to think most people would agree that I know football. I also know a little something about character, commitment and leadership. The past three years, President George W. Bush has dealt with situations no president has ever faced, and he has emerged as one of the most principled leaders our country has ever seen. What I find remarkable and admirable is that the president has risen to the challenge every time: confronting unprecedented threats to national security and displaying the resolve to carry America through the tough times.
He is dedicated to defending our nation at home and abroad. And he defends through smart offense -- bringing the war to the terrorists so we don't have to fight them again here at home.
The American people have a choice to make in November; that choice is clear to me. They have a choice of a man who is unafraid to defend our nation and protect the security of every American. They have a choice of a man who is determined to lead the world to freedom and peace, and win the war on terror. They have a choice of a man who will make the tough decisions when they must be made, no matter the political winds.
I know Michigan, I know the values Michiganders stand for, and I know Michigan needs four more years of President Bush. He has my vote, and he deserves yours, too.
These are just selected highlights. You have to read the whole piece at The Detroit Free Press
H.D.S. Grenway in Kerry's Hometown Boston Globe
John Podhoretz in the NYPost
Fred Barnes,The Weekly Standard
I could go on and on but the consensus is clear.
Gallup Internals
If you look at the Gallup Internals on last nights debate it seems that the President was a clear and undisputed winner in 4 out of the 6 key issues that voters rely on to choose. Those issues were who agreed with you more on the issues you cared about (Bush up 3%), who was more likeable (Bush up 7%), who was more believable (Bush up 5%) and demonstrated he is more tough enough to do the job (Bush up 17%)
Mr Kerry was the clear winner in one out of the 6 on the issue of who expressed himself more clearly and they tied on who had a clear understanding of the issues.
Mr Kerry was the clear winner in one out of the 6 on the issue of who expressed himself more clearly and they tied on who had a clear understanding of the issues.
Which would they choose?
James Lileks has some great thoughts on last nights debate over at his blog. Here is a great excerpt:
Ask yourself this: you’re a dictator who has violated the terms of a peace treaty over and over again, and frequently shoots at the planes enforcing the treaties. Who do you fear the most? A) The magnificent concert of allies in the UN, some of whom you’ve bought off, who are desperate to prove their legitimacy by prolonging the process into the 22nd century
B) The United States, Britain and Australia, who have several hundred thousand troops on your border and frankly are in no mood to put up your crap any longer
What would you want in this situation? The answer starts with “S” and ends, five letters later, in “T.”
and on the proposed Kerry (Lovefest's) summit's:
And another thing: the idea of a summit with the Muslim world doesn’t particularly billow my sails, either.
So Osama is using our invasion of Iraq to recruit new troops? First of all, you know this how? We have a tape of OBL holding up a copy of 2004 TV Guide Fall Season edition to verify the date, declaring a new and improved jihad? Second, do you think a summit in which the various satrapies of the Middle East and elsewhere convene for a marathon bitchfest about Gaza is going to make America beloved in Sadr City? They want us to extend a hand, yes, so they can lop it off. Ah, but what of the moderates. Those who have been turned against us because we threw out the Taliban and deposed Saddam – the relentlessly secular Saddam, as we’re often reminded. If it hasn’t occurred to these folks before, let me spell it out plainly: if you think there’s a war against Muslims now, you lack a certain sense of perspective. If tiptoeing around sacred sites and taking special care to pick off the snipers hiding in mosques so as not to disturb the plaster is a war against Islam, you will be looking for new terms when Putin drops a big bag of hammers somewhere someday. Surely the alienated moderates must be asking: the United States could destroy the madmen, completely. Yet they do not. Why?
What a great observations.
Ask yourself this: you’re a dictator who has violated the terms of a peace treaty over and over again, and frequently shoots at the planes enforcing the treaties. Who do you fear the most? A) The magnificent concert of allies in the UN, some of whom you’ve bought off, who are desperate to prove their legitimacy by prolonging the process into the 22nd century
B) The United States, Britain and Australia, who have several hundred thousand troops on your border and frankly are in no mood to put up your crap any longer
What would you want in this situation? The answer starts with “S” and ends, five letters later, in “T.”
and on the proposed Kerry (Lovefest's) summit's:
And another thing: the idea of a summit with the Muslim world doesn’t particularly billow my sails, either.
So Osama is using our invasion of Iraq to recruit new troops? First of all, you know this how? We have a tape of OBL holding up a copy of 2004 TV Guide Fall Season edition to verify the date, declaring a new and improved jihad? Second, do you think a summit in which the various satrapies of the Middle East and elsewhere convene for a marathon bitchfest about Gaza is going to make America beloved in Sadr City? They want us to extend a hand, yes, so they can lop it off. Ah, but what of the moderates. Those who have been turned against us because we threw out the Taliban and deposed Saddam – the relentlessly secular Saddam, as we’re often reminded. If it hasn’t occurred to these folks before, let me spell it out plainly: if you think there’s a war against Muslims now, you lack a certain sense of perspective. If tiptoeing around sacred sites and taking special care to pick off the snipers hiding in mosques so as not to disturb the plaster is a war against Islam, you will be looking for new terms when Putin drops a big bag of hammers somewhere someday. Surely the alienated moderates must be asking: the United States could destroy the madmen, completely. Yet they do not. Why?
What a great observations.
Global Test Found!
Global Test for Pre-emptive Military Action by the U.S.
1. Is the U.S. President a Republican?
2. Could this action possibly stabilize oil production?
3. Are France and Germany supplying the intended target with weapons or advice?
4. Would any small time thugocracy with a seat on the Security Council feel threatened?
5. Are family members of high ranking U.N. bureaucrats benefiting financially from the status quo?
6. Is this action likely to enhance America’s power in the world?
7. Would this action further the goals of free market/free trade advocates?
8. Would this action make the U.N. look weak and inconsistent?
9. Would this action divide the countries of the European Union?
10. Would this action be seen as offensive to a world religion (other than Christianity and Judaism)?
1. Is the U.S. President a Republican?
2. Could this action possibly stabilize oil production?
3. Are France and Germany supplying the intended target with weapons or advice?
4. Would any small time thugocracy with a seat on the Security Council feel threatened?
5. Are family members of high ranking U.N. bureaucrats benefiting financially from the status quo?
6. Is this action likely to enhance America’s power in the world?
7. Would this action further the goals of free market/free trade advocates?
8. Would this action make the U.N. look weak and inconsistent?
9. Would this action divide the countries of the European Union?
10. Would this action be seen as offensive to a world religion (other than Christianity and Judaism)?
TradeSports and Iowa Electronic Markets futures exchanges no losses for Bush just gains.
There was no Bush debate dip, modest or otherwise. He did lose ground against where he had risen to during the debate, but all that meant was that he was back to where he'd been at the start of the debate.
I followed Tradesports and Iowa closely before, during, and after the debate to see who they "thought" was winning.
Tradesports most recent trades immediately before the debate started at 9:00 were 65.0 for Bush and 36.4 for Kerry. Bush gained steadily during the debate. For example, by 10:00 it was 67.4/33.7, with the same repeated at 10:35. But by 11:35, it was back pretty much where it had started, 65.5/36.0. This morning it was 65.0/35.9.
Iowa was perhaps closed for the day last night, because its 65/32 never wavered during the debate. But this morning it was 68.2/32.8.
So, if anything, I would say Bush had a modest gain.
The stock market seems to agree, except who ever knows why it does what it does?
I followed Tradesports and Iowa closely before, during, and after the debate to see who they "thought" was winning.
Tradesports most recent trades immediately before the debate started at 9:00 were 65.0 for Bush and 36.4 for Kerry. Bush gained steadily during the debate. For example, by 10:00 it was 67.4/33.7, with the same repeated at 10:35. But by 11:35, it was back pretty much where it had started, 65.5/36.0. This morning it was 65.0/35.9.
Iowa was perhaps closed for the day last night, because its 65/32 never wavered during the debate. But this morning it was 68.2/32.8.
So, if anything, I would say Bush had a modest gain.
The stock market seems to agree, except who ever knows why it does what it does?
Opps again Johnny, wrong language again?
The US and China have said they were confident North Korea will return to six-party talks to end the stand-off over Pyongyang's nuclear programmes.
US State Secretary Colin Powell said after talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing the format was "what we should be concentrating on".
Mr Li described the talks as the "only feasible and correct option".
This is bad news for Kerry.
US State Secretary Colin Powell said after talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing the format was "what we should be concentrating on".
Mr Li described the talks as the "only feasible and correct option".
This is bad news for Kerry.
Unbeknownst to Kerry adviser Mike McCurry, a C-SPAN camera quietly followed McCurry as he found Kerry adviser Joe Lockhart on Spin Alley floor and asked him his impression of the debate. Lockhart candidly said to McCurry , “The consensus is it was a draw.”
Another Lie!
FLASH: Kerry stated: 'That's why they had to close down the subway in New York when the Republican Convention was there.' (Driving home point that Bush as not done enough to protect the country.)
The NYC subway did not close at all during the convention, according to a report on cable outlet NY1...
The NYC subway did not close at all during the convention, according to a report on cable outlet NY1...
Thursday, September 30, 2004
BUSH 1 - Kerry 0
First off just a thought. A casual watcher of debates at first glance would take away from tonight's first debate is that John Kerry has no core values or core beliefs. You could read by watching him that he has a very warped and revisionist view of reality.
Case in point would be his continuing insistence that we are in Iraq going it alone? We have over 30 allies in the War on Terror in Iraq fighting along side of us but yet Senator Kerry continues to denigrate and impune our allies that if under the unfortunate and highly unlikely possibility he would win in November he would need on his side. We have more allies in Iraq than we had in WWII.
Then in the same breath in the same debate when the President says that we are not going it alone in North Korea but working with other countries to hold North Korea accountable and put pressure on them with and through others Senator Kerry say' "no we need to go it alone in North Korea, we need Bi-Lateral talks." Where is the diplomacy that he so desires in Iraq, where is the coalition building he so much talks about and mis-leadingly (alright honestly lies about) in Iraq? Where is the handing over of our sovereignty that he is so willing to do in Iraq not what he wants in North Korea?
You fliped on Iraq but flopped to another position of action on North Korea. Huh?
This thread and line of exchange in the debates further reiterates his moral spinelessness when it comes to taking a position based on your core beliefs and values and standing firm as the President has done so with out hesitation as the leader of the Free world.
Is there a different "Global Test" that you must take for each country as Senator Kerry talked about tonight. And just what is this "Global Test" Senator Kerry sprung on us tonight? When did the President of the United States become required to bow down to a "Global Test" Mr. Kerry? I think this statement alone is evidence alone of what and who to your allegiances will be as President.
"I used the wrong language" when I talked about the 87 billion dollar appropriation bill for the troops. I think this is the same excuse you used to excuse your lies before congress in 1971 about our troops in Vietnam. Please Mr. Kerry, President Bush is supposed to be the one who mis-speaks not you with your upper class aristrocratic upbringing.
You lied when directly asked about calling the President a liar, was that a misuse of language again?
You said just the other day that you were not wrong on your positions on the war in Iraq because it "all depend on the outcome", to quote you. Lets just imagine Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address with "it all depends on the outcome" injected from time to time. Or FDR's decisions as President based on "it all depends on the outcome."
Mr. Kerry your pre-September 10th mentality show you to be the weak, unsteady and unreliable leader that you are, and that was abundantly apparent tonight on the debate. You came across as an arrogant, better than you, know it all elitist and shifty, flip flopping leader you are and would be. You looked like a finger waving pompous, condensing, liar that you are.
On the other side the President continued to show his heart for all Americans, his compassion for others and genuine passion to do the right thing and lead as great leaders do their countries in times of great peril. Churchill stood firm, FDR stood firm, Reagan stood firm and George W. Bush continues to stand firm. He did not turn on his fellow brothers as you have done time and time again over the years. The President has stood and continues to stand firm in his moral clarity, character convictions. Never wavering but standing firm for the American people.
One closing thought to add to the flips and flops, and lies and fabrications of John Kerry. After saying that General Tommy Franks had voice concern about Iraq, General Franks is on Fox News right now blowing the Kerry quote right out of the water, saying that John Kerry was wrong and was not truthful.
Why should we expect anything different from him now.
Case in point would be his continuing insistence that we are in Iraq going it alone? We have over 30 allies in the War on Terror in Iraq fighting along side of us but yet Senator Kerry continues to denigrate and impune our allies that if under the unfortunate and highly unlikely possibility he would win in November he would need on his side. We have more allies in Iraq than we had in WWII.
Then in the same breath in the same debate when the President says that we are not going it alone in North Korea but working with other countries to hold North Korea accountable and put pressure on them with and through others Senator Kerry say' "no we need to go it alone in North Korea, we need Bi-Lateral talks." Where is the diplomacy that he so desires in Iraq, where is the coalition building he so much talks about and mis-leadingly (alright honestly lies about) in Iraq? Where is the handing over of our sovereignty that he is so willing to do in Iraq not what he wants in North Korea?
You fliped on Iraq but flopped to another position of action on North Korea. Huh?
This thread and line of exchange in the debates further reiterates his moral spinelessness when it comes to taking a position based on your core beliefs and values and standing firm as the President has done so with out hesitation as the leader of the Free world.
Is there a different "Global Test" that you must take for each country as Senator Kerry talked about tonight. And just what is this "Global Test" Senator Kerry sprung on us tonight? When did the President of the United States become required to bow down to a "Global Test" Mr. Kerry? I think this statement alone is evidence alone of what and who to your allegiances will be as President.
"I used the wrong language" when I talked about the 87 billion dollar appropriation bill for the troops. I think this is the same excuse you used to excuse your lies before congress in 1971 about our troops in Vietnam. Please Mr. Kerry, President Bush is supposed to be the one who mis-speaks not you with your upper class aristrocratic upbringing.
You lied when directly asked about calling the President a liar, was that a misuse of language again?
You said just the other day that you were not wrong on your positions on the war in Iraq because it "all depend on the outcome", to quote you. Lets just imagine Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address with "it all depends on the outcome" injected from time to time. Or FDR's decisions as President based on "it all depends on the outcome."
Mr. Kerry your pre-September 10th mentality show you to be the weak, unsteady and unreliable leader that you are, and that was abundantly apparent tonight on the debate. You came across as an arrogant, better than you, know it all elitist and shifty, flip flopping leader you are and would be. You looked like a finger waving pompous, condensing, liar that you are.
On the other side the President continued to show his heart for all Americans, his compassion for others and genuine passion to do the right thing and lead as great leaders do their countries in times of great peril. Churchill stood firm, FDR stood firm, Reagan stood firm and George W. Bush continues to stand firm. He did not turn on his fellow brothers as you have done time and time again over the years. The President has stood and continues to stand firm in his moral clarity, character convictions. Never wavering but standing firm for the American people.
One closing thought to add to the flips and flops, and lies and fabrications of John Kerry. After saying that General Tommy Franks had voice concern about Iraq, General Franks is on Fox News right now blowing the Kerry quote right out of the water, saying that John Kerry was wrong and was not truthful.
Why should we expect anything different from him now.
Breaking News: Kerry for lights before being against them!
RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie: "Only John Kerry Could Be For The Lights Before He Was Against The Lights."
It Keeps Growing and Growing and Growing...
GDP grew at a 3.3% rate in the second quarter, revised upward from the 2.8% initially reported, Reuters reports:
"It looks like the economy wasn't all that soft in the second quarter," said economist Gary Thayer of A.G. Edwards and Sons Inc. in St. Louis, Missouri. "Generally, it shows the economy healthy and seeing growth in most categories."
"It looks like the economy wasn't all that soft in the second quarter," said economist Gary Thayer of A.G. Edwards and Sons Inc. in St. Louis, Missouri. "Generally, it shows the economy healthy and seeing growth in most categories."
Monday, September 27, 2004
Questions for Mr. Kerry
Just a few good questions that need to be answered by Senator Kerry:
--The Washington Times reported today that on CNN's "Crossfire" in 1997, you stated the following: "We know we can't count on the French. We know we can't count on the Russians. We know that Iraq is a danger to the United States, and we reserve the right to take pre-emptive action whenever we feel it's in our national interest." Do you still stand by any portion of that statement?
--Why did you skip Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi's speech to the joint meeting of Congress? Seemed like it might have been a pretty significant speech for a man who wants to be President to attend, especially considering the recent liberation of Iraq and the fact that he was the first Iraqi leader to visit D.C. since 1952, didn't it?
--Why would you allow your underlings to even hint, much less declare, that the leader of a newly freed country is merely a puppet of President Bush?
--You claim you would be able to get more allies to come to our side in future conflicts. Do you still believe that, considering your remarks demeaning the support given by our allies for "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and your campaign's treatment of Allawi?
--If you can question President Bush's military service, why can't he question yours (even though he hasn't)?
--You Democrats get really offended when anyone even appears to question your patriotism. Are you prepared to denounce the declaration by one of your fellow Democratic Senators, Fritz Hollings, this week that President Bush is a "damned draft dodger"? (And did you find it as strange as I did that any Clinton supporter would use such a phrase to try to demean a Republican President?)
--Another Democratic Senator, Tom Harkin, has made public statements calling Bush a liar concerning his military service, but the problem is that his claims were based on those fake CBS documents. Are you going to ask him to apologize -- or, at the very least, to zip it?
--In several newspapers today, your talkative wife, Teresa, was reported to have said that she thinks the Bush Administration will announce the capture of Osama bin Laden before Election Day. Apparently, she believes the White House has an October Surprise in mind. Did you tell her to say that, or did she just get it from Michael Moore?
--On the "Regis and Kelly" TV show, you told a story of a couple kids contributing to your campaign:
Kerry campaign donors apparently come in all sizes. He told Philbin and Ripa that a woman in New York gave him $385 that her 8-year-old son had raised selling homemade campaign buttons, and a 6-year-old in Philadelphia handed over a plastic container with $685 he had earned selling homemade campaign bracelets.
Did you return that money, since there was a fair chance they were illegal contributions? Even if they were legal, your campaign isn't in such dire straits that you would take money from children, right?
--Your campaign recently responded to a Bush/Cheney ad accusing you flip-flopping on top of a video of you wind-surfing. Your response ad ripped the Bush team for running a "juvenile" ad during the "Iraq quagmire." Do you see the irony that your campaign offered such a criticism, yet you were the one having photo-ops on your wind-surfing board and while walking around wearing spandex -- all of this done during the "Iraq quagmire"?
--The Washington Times reported today that on CNN's "Crossfire" in 1997, you stated the following: "We know we can't count on the French. We know we can't count on the Russians. We know that Iraq is a danger to the United States, and we reserve the right to take pre-emptive action whenever we feel it's in our national interest." Do you still stand by any portion of that statement?
--Why did you skip Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi's speech to the joint meeting of Congress? Seemed like it might have been a pretty significant speech for a man who wants to be President to attend, especially considering the recent liberation of Iraq and the fact that he was the first Iraqi leader to visit D.C. since 1952, didn't it?
--Why would you allow your underlings to even hint, much less declare, that the leader of a newly freed country is merely a puppet of President Bush?
--You claim you would be able to get more allies to come to our side in future conflicts. Do you still believe that, considering your remarks demeaning the support given by our allies for "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and your campaign's treatment of Allawi?
--If you can question President Bush's military service, why can't he question yours (even though he hasn't)?
--You Democrats get really offended when anyone even appears to question your patriotism. Are you prepared to denounce the declaration by one of your fellow Democratic Senators, Fritz Hollings, this week that President Bush is a "damned draft dodger"? (And did you find it as strange as I did that any Clinton supporter would use such a phrase to try to demean a Republican President?)
--Another Democratic Senator, Tom Harkin, has made public statements calling Bush a liar concerning his military service, but the problem is that his claims were based on those fake CBS documents. Are you going to ask him to apologize -- or, at the very least, to zip it?
--In several newspapers today, your talkative wife, Teresa, was reported to have said that she thinks the Bush Administration will announce the capture of Osama bin Laden before Election Day. Apparently, she believes the White House has an October Surprise in mind. Did you tell her to say that, or did she just get it from Michael Moore?
--On the "Regis and Kelly" TV show, you told a story of a couple kids contributing to your campaign:
Kerry campaign donors apparently come in all sizes. He told Philbin and Ripa that a woman in New York gave him $385 that her 8-year-old son had raised selling homemade campaign buttons, and a 6-year-old in Philadelphia handed over a plastic container with $685 he had earned selling homemade campaign bracelets.
Did you return that money, since there was a fair chance they were illegal contributions? Even if they were legal, your campaign isn't in such dire straits that you would take money from children, right?
--Your campaign recently responded to a Bush/Cheney ad accusing you flip-flopping on top of a video of you wind-surfing. Your response ad ripped the Bush team for running a "juvenile" ad during the "Iraq quagmire." Do you see the irony that your campaign offered such a criticism, yet you were the one having photo-ops on your wind-surfing board and while walking around wearing spandex -- all of this done during the "Iraq quagmire"?
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
I called Karl Rove Today
I could not believe the lame excuse that Joe Lockhart gave this morning on CNN when confronted with the question about his contact with Bill Burkett, the man who supplied CBS with the fake National Guard Documents.
But Lockhart said there was no coordination. He said he talked to Burkett after getting a call from a Mapes, who said Burkett had been a help on a National Guard story she was working on and wanted to speak to someone in the Kerry campaign.
"I didn't know who the guy was. I talked to him on the phone for three or four minutes," Lockhart said. "That's the beginning and the end of the story."
Lockhart, former press secretary for President Clinton, said Burkett had "some strong feelings" that the Kerry campaign had not responded forcefully enough to the attacks by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth group.
Lockhart said he discussed neither the National Guard nor the documents with Burkett.
- Kerry campaign adviser Joe Lockhart On CNN's "American Morning" today 9/21/2004
They talked on the phone. So I decided to take him up on his fine bit of information and I called Karl Rove today and we had a wonderful conversation about some of my concerns with how he is running the re-elect campaign.
See an average Joe can just reach out touch someone......
But Lockhart said there was no coordination. He said he talked to Burkett after getting a call from a Mapes, who said Burkett had been a help on a National Guard story she was working on and wanted to speak to someone in the Kerry campaign.
"I didn't know who the guy was. I talked to him on the phone for three or four minutes," Lockhart said. "That's the beginning and the end of the story."
Lockhart, former press secretary for President Clinton, said Burkett had "some strong feelings" that the Kerry campaign had not responded forcefully enough to the attacks by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth group.
Lockhart said he discussed neither the National Guard nor the documents with Burkett.
- Kerry campaign adviser Joe Lockhart On CNN's "American Morning" today 9/21/2004
They talked on the phone. So I decided to take him up on his fine bit of information and I called Karl Rove today and we had a wonderful conversation about some of my concerns with how he is running the re-elect campaign.
See an average Joe can just reach out touch someone......
Evidence of coordinated effort between Kerry and CBS
The preponderance of evidence continues to mount that the Kerry campaign was in a coordinated effort with CBS to discredit the President:
CBS arranged for a confidential source to talk with Joe Lockhart, a top aide to John Kerry, after the source provided the network with the now-disputed documents about President Bush's service in the Texas National Guard.
- Kevin Johnson, Dave Moniz and Jim Drinkard, USA TODAY
The questions we should be asking are, What did Senator Kerry and Edwards know? When did they know it?
Also when Ben Ginsburg was falsely accused of impropriety he took the high road and resigned from the campaign out of respect for the President and to give even a hint of wrong doing. Therefore when will Joe Lockhart resign from the campaign for his connections with the campaign and CBS?
Read the USAToday Story Here.
CBS arranged for a confidential source to talk with Joe Lockhart, a top aide to John Kerry, after the source provided the network with the now-disputed documents about President Bush's service in the Texas National Guard.
- Kevin Johnson, Dave Moniz and Jim Drinkard, USA TODAY
The questions we should be asking are, What did Senator Kerry and Edwards know? When did they know it?
Also when Ben Ginsburg was falsely accused of impropriety he took the high road and resigned from the campaign out of respect for the President and to give even a hint of wrong doing. Therefore when will Joe Lockhart resign from the campaign for his connections with the campaign and CBS?
Read the USAToday Story Here.
Monday, September 20, 2004
And then there were two!
Now we have a second confirmation of contact between the Kerry Campaign and CBS in regards to the forged national guard documents:
"At the behest of CBS, an adviser to John Kerry said he talked to a central figure in the controversy over President Bush National Guard service shortly before disputed documents were released." - Associated Press
It seems as though the Kerry camp and CBS along with Dan Rather are working together like a well oiled machine!
Read the complete story here.
"At the behest of CBS, an adviser to John Kerry said he talked to a central figure in the controversy over President Bush National Guard service shortly before disputed documents were released." - Associated Press
It seems as though the Kerry camp and CBS along with Dan Rather are working together like a well oiled machine!
Read the complete story here.
Yea, There is No Bias at CBS!
Think CBS doesn't have an agenda to push. Just read the sticker in the window of this CBS News truck parked in front of the CBS building.
The Prosecution rests!

The Prosecution rests!
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Coming into Focus
Well like we didn't expect or already no this to be certain It has now come to light that a Kerry Campaign operative, former now disgruntled senator Max Cleland was given the forged documents to pass on tho rather baised Dan Rather and CBS:
This from the AP (not a conservative news service)
The retired Guard official, Bill Burkett, said in an Aug. 21 e-mail to a list of Texas Democrats that after getting through "seven layers of bureaucratic kids" in the Democrat's campaign, he talked with former Georgia Sen. Max Cleland about information that would counter criticism of Kerry's Vietnam War service. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the e-mail Saturday.
"I asked if they wanted to counterattack or ride this to ground and outlast it, not spending any money. (Cleland) said counterattack. So I gave them the information to do it with," Burkett wrote.
It seems that CBS and Dan Rather have been working feverishly for the last 3 plus year in conjunction with the DNC to defeat President Bush.
You can rad for yourself the full text of the conections between CBS/Dan Rather and the Kerry/Edwards Camp Here
This from the AP (not a conservative news service)
The retired Guard official, Bill Burkett, said in an Aug. 21 e-mail to a list of Texas Democrats that after getting through "seven layers of bureaucratic kids" in the Democrat's campaign, he talked with former Georgia Sen. Max Cleland about information that would counter criticism of Kerry's Vietnam War service. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the e-mail Saturday.
"I asked if they wanted to counterattack or ride this to ground and outlast it, not spending any money. (Cleland) said counterattack. So I gave them the information to do it with," Burkett wrote.
It seems that CBS and Dan Rather have been working feverishly for the last 3 plus year in conjunction with the DNC to defeat President Bush.
You can rad for yourself the full text of the conections between CBS/Dan Rather and the Kerry/Edwards Camp Here
Thursday, September 09, 2004
60 Minutes Bush Documents ARE FORGERIES!!!
Well it seems the Kerry/Edwards plan of releasing National Guard documents that discredit the President have back fired. Experts upon experts in the field of authenticating documents have deemed them to be forgeries! Wow! And they were released to the public by John Kerry's own vice-chair of his finance campaign. That has got to leave a mark.
Stephen Hayes has an excellent piece on the forgery flap for the flip/flopper.
Also the son of the late Lt. Col.Jerry Killian, Gary Killian agrees they are fakes.
Another good piece of investigative reporting on the forgeries here.
kudos to Powerline Blog who started looking a little deeper and questioning the discrepancies.
The truth will always rise to the top, just like great leaders.
By the way a heads up it looks like the rout is on and more bad news for Kerry Washington Post ABC News Poll has Bush up 9% points.
In the words of Mac Powell Lead singer of Third Day at the RNC Convention in New York Last Week, " I said 4 more years, 4 more years....."
And by the way this will save many more lives by having "W" around for more years contrary to faulty and flawed thinking else where in the blog world . Have a backbone stand up for right and wrong.
Stephen Hayes has an excellent piece on the forgery flap for the flip/flopper.
Also the son of the late Lt. Col.Jerry Killian, Gary Killian agrees they are fakes.
Another good piece of investigative reporting on the forgeries here.
kudos to Powerline Blog who started looking a little deeper and questioning the discrepancies.
The truth will always rise to the top, just like great leaders.
By the way a heads up it looks like the rout is on and more bad news for Kerry Washington Post ABC News Poll has Bush up 9% points.
In the words of Mac Powell Lead singer of Third Day at the RNC Convention in New York Last Week, " I said 4 more years, 4 more years....."
And by the way this will save many more lives by having "W" around for more years contrary to faulty and flawed thinking else where in the blog world . Have a backbone stand up for right and wrong.
Flip Flop, Flip Flop
After whining and complaining for weeks about how unfair it was to question his service in Veitnam, now the recordless senator from Mass. is using a vice -chair of his campaign to throw out falsehoods and lies about the President's service in the National Gaurd.
But who really is Ben Barnes:
A Deep-Pocketed Kerry Partisan Who Can't Keep His Stories Straight____________________________________
Barnes Under Oath
Under Oath, Barnes Testified He Had No Contact With Bush Family Concerning National Guard. "Ben Barnes, then the speaker of the Texas House, said in 1999 that Sidney Adger, a Houston businessman and longtime friend of the Bush family whose son also won a slot in the 147th, had asked him to help get Mr. Bush into the Guard. Mr. Barnes, who acknowledged a role only after he was questioned under oath, also said that he had spoken to the head of the Texas Air National Guard on Mr. Bush's behalf, but had no contact with anyone in the Bush family. And there is no direct evidence that Mr. Bush's family pulled strings to get him into the 147th. Mr. Bush is firmly on record denying it, as is the commander of the unit, and there is no paper trail showing any influence by the Bush family." (David Barstow, "In Haze Of Guard Records, A Bit Of Clarity," The New York Times, 2/15/04)
Barnes Said Reports He Helped Bush At His Father's Urging Were "False." "Former Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes denied a magazine report Thursday that he helped George W. Bush get a place in the Texas Air National Guard at the urging of Bush's father. Bush, the Republican presidential front-runner, has repeatedly denied that he received preferential treatment in being accepted into the Guard during the Vietnam War. … 'I never spoke to Congressman Bush about his son,' Barnes said Thursday. 'The story is false.'" (Renae Merle, "Barnes Denies Report That He Helped Bush Into The National Guard," The Associated Press, 7/15/99)
In Fall Of 1999, Barnes Said Bush Family Never Asked To Get President Bush Into National Guard. "Mr. Bush has consistently said he never requested special treatment, though Ben Barnes, who was speaker of the Texas House in 1968, said in 1999 that he had been asked by a Houston businessman -- not by the Bush family -- to recommend Mr. Bush for a pilot's slot, and that he had done so." (David M. Halbfinger, "Three Decades Later, Vietnam Remains A Hot Issue," The New York Times, 8/29/04)
But Now, Barnes' Story "Subject To Change"
Today, Barnes Claims He Is "Ashamed" He Got President Bush Into Texas Air National Guard. "Former Texas House Speaker Ben Barnes said he is 'more ashamed at myself than I've ever been' because he helped President Bush and the sons of other wealthy families get into the Texas National Guard so they could avoid serving in Vietnam. 'I got a young man named George W. Bush into the National Guard ... and I'm not necessarily proud of that, but I did it,' Barnes, a Democrat, said in a video clip recorded May 27 before a group of John Kerry supporters in Austin. Barnes, who was House speaker when Bush entered the Guard, later became lieutenant governor." (Bobby Ross Jr., "Former Lawmaker Says He Got Bush Into The Texas Guard," The Associated Press, 8/28/04)
Yet, According To February 2004 New York Times Article, Barnes' Story "Was Subject To Change And There Were No Documents To Support His Claims." "Local reporters could coax one former Democratic state official into admitting, off the record, that he had interceded on Mr. Bush's behalf at the request of either a prominent Dallas businessman or George H. W. Bush, who was then a member of Congress. But the official's story -- the source was later revealed to be former Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes -- was subject to change and there were no documents to support his claims." (Mimi Swartz, "In Search Of The President's Missing Years," The New York Times, 2/27/04)
Barnes Is Kerry Fundraiser And Advisor
Ben Barnes Is Kerry Campaign Vice-Chair, Raising Over $100,000 For Campaign. (Kerry For President Website, www.johnkerry.com/fec/, Accessed 9/4/04)
Barnes Considers John Kerry Close Personal Friend. "Barnes, a government consultant with offices in Austin, Chicago and Washington, said: 'I'm just an enthusiastic participant' who considers as personal friends Corzine, Daschle and Kerry, whom he got to know during summer vacations in Nantucket." (W. Gardner Selby, "Texas' Last 'Old Lion' Still On Prowl For Funds," San Antonio Express-Texas, 7/30/04)
"Texans For Kerry" Website Links To Barnes Video. (Texans For Kerry Website, www.texansforkerry.com/texansforkerry/, Accessed 9/7/04)
Barnes Is Considered "A Definite In" In Kerry Administration. "[Barnes has] known Kerry since the 1980s. 'I don't know who's going to be in and who's going to be out' of a possible Kerry administration, Barnes said. 'But John Kerry has been sympathetic to Texas in the past. ... I would expect him to listen to our problems if he's in the White House.' Barnes is a definite in, though he says he'll keep working as a lobbyist based in Austin." (Jay Root, "Texas Democrats Are Waiting In The Wings," Fort Worth Star Telegram, 7/31/04)
Barnes Owns Home Near Kerry's In Nantucket. "Now a lobbyist and consultant, Barnes has a house near Kerry's in Nantucket, Mass., and committed to Kerry's White House bid nearly three years ago on the grounds of the Nantucket Golf Club." (Jay Root, "Texas Democrats Are Waiting In The Wings," Fort Worth Star Telegram, 7/31/04)
Barnes Is Kerry "Super-Bundler" Fundraiser. "Eleven [Kerry super-bundlers] are from Texas, including Dallas plaintiff's lawyer Fred Baron and lobbyist Ben Barnes, a Lyndon Johnson protégé who served as lieutenant governor and is one of the national Democrat Party's most prodigious fund-raisers. 'If someone had told me last quarter that John Kerry would have raised as much money as he's been able to, I'd have said it couldn't happen. But I'm seeing it happen,' said Mr. Barnes, whose lobby clients have included American Airlines and the chemical giant Huntsman Corp." (Wayne Slater, "Vested Interests In Kerry Lawyers, Lobbyists Top Donors List," Dallas Morning News, 7/26/04)
Opening Night Of Democratic Convention In Boston, "Kerry Adviser And Veteran Political Fund-Raiser"Barnes Hosted Party For Convention-Goers. "On the opening night of the Democratic National Convention, more than 250 well-dressed people strayed from the convention, enjoying bubbly drinks and appetizers such as tablespoon-sized shrimp salads at a party hosted by former Texas Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes. Barnes, a Kerry adviser and veteran political fund-raiser, said he scheduled his event to remind potential donors about the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, which seeks to help Democrats recapture a majority in the U.S. Senate, where the GOP has a two-vote majority." (W. Gardner Selby, "Texas' Last 'Old Lion' Still On Prowl For Funds," San Antonio Express-Texas, 7/30/04)
In October 2003, Barnes Hosted Fundraiser For John Kerry. "Democratic presidential contender John Kerry, counting on the Texas-Massachusetts connection that played better in the 1960s than it did in the 1980s, made three fund-raising stops in Texas on Wednesday as he campaigned toward primary season. Kerry, a senator from Massachusetts, spoke to about 60 supporters at the Four Seasons Hotel here between stops in Dallas and Houston….In introducing Kerry here, former Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes likened him to Kennedy. 'He possesses the talent, the courage, the experience and the depth that will make him, as Jack Kennedy was in 1961, a president that has the determination to lead this country,' Barnes said." (Ken Herman, "Kerry Plays Up Texas' Link To His Home State," Austin American-Statesman, 10/2/03)
Barnes Is A Partisan Democrat
Daschle Called Barnes "The Fifty-First Democratic Senator." "Yet here he is in the rarefied atmosphere of big power and big-time politics -- one of the chief financial and strategic architects of the Democratic resurgence to parity (and subsequently control) in the Senate. Majority leader Tom Daschle has called him 'the fifty-first Democratic senator.'" (Paul Burka, "So What If He Never Got To Be Governor Or President?" Texas Monthly, 9/01)
Barnes Attended Clinton Coffee Intended To Raise $500,000. "Newly released White House documents show that President Clinton's political operatives expected to raise $500,000 from a White House coffee for wealthy Texans in the summer, calling into question Clinton's assertion that 'no price tag was placed' on White House events. In a July 14 memo to White House officials, campaign Chairman Peter Knight suggested adding the Texas coffee klatch to Clinton's schedule as part of an effort to raise $7.8 million in the state. Knight predicted that the event would generate $500,000 in political contributions. About 20 Texans, including former Gov. Dolph Briscoe, Land Commissioner Garry Mauro and former Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes, attended the Aug. 23 get-together with the president." (Ron Hutcheson, "Clinton's Fund-Raising Assertion Questioned," Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 2/27/97)
In 1996, Barnes Endorsed Clinton/Gore '96. (Lisa R. Davis, "CEOs And Business Leaders Endorse President Clinton," Press Release, 10/8/96)
Ben Barnes Has Donated At Least $380,750 To Democratic Candidates And Campaign Bodies Including:
ĂĽ John Kerry For President Inc.
ĂĽ Kerry Committee
ĂĽ Kerry-Edwards 2004 Inc. General Election Legal And Accounting Compliance Fund
ĂĽ A Lot Of People Supporting Tom Daschle Inc.
ĂĽ Bob Graham For President Inc.
ĂĽ Cantwell 2006
ĂĽ Citizens For Biden
ĂĽ Citizens For Sarbanes
ĂĽ Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
ĂĽ Democratic National Committee
ĂĽ Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
ĂĽ Evan Bayh Committee
ĂĽ Friends Of Byron Dorgan
ĂĽ Friends Of Dick Durbin Committee
ĂĽ Friends Of Max Cleland For The US Senate Inc.
ĂĽ Friends Of Schumer
ĂĽ Friends Of Harry Reid
ĂĽ Friends Of Hillary
ĂĽ Friends Of Patrick J Kennedy Inc.
ĂĽ Friends Of Senator Carl Levin
ĂĽ Gephardt For President Inc.
ĂĽ Gore 2000 Inc.
ĂĽ Hillary Rodham Clinton For US Senate Committee Inc.
ĂĽ Joe Lieberman For President Inc.
ĂĽ Kennedy For Senate 2006
ĂĽ Leahy For U.S. Senator Committee
ĂĽ People For Patty Murray US Senate Campaign
ĂĽ Stabenow For US Senate
ĂĽ Tony Knowles For US Senate (Political Money Line Website, http://www.tray.com/, Accessed 9/8/04)
Barnes' Ethical Mishaps
Sharpstown Bank Scandal In 1971 Ended Barnes' Political Career. "The Sharpstown Scandal: This scandal involved quick-profit stock sales for lawmakers and state officials in 1971-72. Houston financier Frank Sharp arranged the stock loans from his Sharpstown State Bank, purportedly to grease the passage of two banking bills. Two dozen former and sitting officials were accused, and others suffered by association. House Speaker Gus Mutscher and another legislator were convicted of conspiring to accept a bribe. Gov. Preston Smith lost the governorship after his profit was disclosed. Half the Texas House was voted out of office or didn't seek re-election. And Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes, a rising political star, was caught in the housecleaning when he tried to win the governor's seat. LBJ had even predicted that Barnes would make it to the White House." (Carolyn Barta, "Texas Has Left A Lasting Mark In The World Of Politics," The Dallas Morning News, 3/4/99)
In 1998, Barnes Was Accused Of Funneling $500,000 To Former Sales Manager Of Corporation Running Texas Lottery. "The former national sales manager for Gtech Holdings Corp., which operates the Texas lottery, was sentenced to 63 months in federal prison Thursday for stealing from the company. …His sentencing two years after his conviction was delayed by a controversy over information released by prosecutors linking him and former Texas Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes to a similar kickback scheme. In a sentencing memo in the Smith case, New Jersey prosecutors alleged that Mr. Barnes, then Gtech's chief Texas lobbyist, funneled $500,000 to Mr. Smith. The memo containing the allegations was posted on the Internet. Mr. Barnes denied that he had done anything wrong, and Judge Politan ordered prosecutors to apologize. In August, they acknowledged that they had disclosed secret information. Mr. Barnes said at the time that the money he gave Mr. Smith was for work not connected to the lottery. Mr. Barnes has never been charged with wrongdoing in connection with the allegation. Gtech bought out Mr. Barnes' contract for $23 million after Texas lottery commissioners questioned Gtech business practices." (George Kuempel, "Ex-Official For Gtech Sentenced," The Dallas Morning News, 10/9/98)Investment Partnership With John Connally Went Bust In 1988 After Connally And Barnes Racked Up $200 Million In Debt. "He joined with his protĂ©gĂ© Ben Barnes, the former lieutenant governor of Texas, to embark on the business of building offices and condominiums and shopping malls, borrowing millions of dollars on the strength of his famous name, arguably the most famous in the state. At the time, Connally's real estate and energy investments appeared to be solid. Oil was selling for $33 a barrel and seemed destined to go higher. Texas was on a roll and John Connally was riding the crest of an economic surge that was making millionaires overnight. But Connally's timing was off. The decline of Texas and the rest of the energy belt began in 1982, just about the time he and Barnes began their spending and borrowing spree in earnest, taking the big chances. Files for Bankruptcy. Five years later, after a fruitless struggle for economic survival, Connally admitted that betting big had been a mistake. On July 31 of last year, he filed for bankruptcy. At the time, he and Barnes owed creditors more than $200 million." (J. Michael Kennedy, "Symbol Of Troubled Texas," Los Angeles Times, 1/22/88)
But who really is Ben Barnes:
A Deep-Pocketed Kerry Partisan Who Can't Keep His Stories Straight____________________________________
Barnes Under Oath
Under Oath, Barnes Testified He Had No Contact With Bush Family Concerning National Guard. "Ben Barnes, then the speaker of the Texas House, said in 1999 that Sidney Adger, a Houston businessman and longtime friend of the Bush family whose son also won a slot in the 147th, had asked him to help get Mr. Bush into the Guard. Mr. Barnes, who acknowledged a role only after he was questioned under oath, also said that he had spoken to the head of the Texas Air National Guard on Mr. Bush's behalf, but had no contact with anyone in the Bush family. And there is no direct evidence that Mr. Bush's family pulled strings to get him into the 147th. Mr. Bush is firmly on record denying it, as is the commander of the unit, and there is no paper trail showing any influence by the Bush family." (David Barstow, "In Haze Of Guard Records, A Bit Of Clarity," The New York Times, 2/15/04)
Barnes Said Reports He Helped Bush At His Father's Urging Were "False." "Former Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes denied a magazine report Thursday that he helped George W. Bush get a place in the Texas Air National Guard at the urging of Bush's father. Bush, the Republican presidential front-runner, has repeatedly denied that he received preferential treatment in being accepted into the Guard during the Vietnam War. … 'I never spoke to Congressman Bush about his son,' Barnes said Thursday. 'The story is false.'" (Renae Merle, "Barnes Denies Report That He Helped Bush Into The National Guard," The Associated Press, 7/15/99)
In Fall Of 1999, Barnes Said Bush Family Never Asked To Get President Bush Into National Guard. "Mr. Bush has consistently said he never requested special treatment, though Ben Barnes, who was speaker of the Texas House in 1968, said in 1999 that he had been asked by a Houston businessman -- not by the Bush family -- to recommend Mr. Bush for a pilot's slot, and that he had done so." (David M. Halbfinger, "Three Decades Later, Vietnam Remains A Hot Issue," The New York Times, 8/29/04)
But Now, Barnes' Story "Subject To Change"
Today, Barnes Claims He Is "Ashamed" He Got President Bush Into Texas Air National Guard. "Former Texas House Speaker Ben Barnes said he is 'more ashamed at myself than I've ever been' because he helped President Bush and the sons of other wealthy families get into the Texas National Guard so they could avoid serving in Vietnam. 'I got a young man named George W. Bush into the National Guard ... and I'm not necessarily proud of that, but I did it,' Barnes, a Democrat, said in a video clip recorded May 27 before a group of John Kerry supporters in Austin. Barnes, who was House speaker when Bush entered the Guard, later became lieutenant governor." (Bobby Ross Jr., "Former Lawmaker Says He Got Bush Into The Texas Guard," The Associated Press, 8/28/04)
Yet, According To February 2004 New York Times Article, Barnes' Story "Was Subject To Change And There Were No Documents To Support His Claims." "Local reporters could coax one former Democratic state official into admitting, off the record, that he had interceded on Mr. Bush's behalf at the request of either a prominent Dallas businessman or George H. W. Bush, who was then a member of Congress. But the official's story -- the source was later revealed to be former Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes -- was subject to change and there were no documents to support his claims." (Mimi Swartz, "In Search Of The President's Missing Years," The New York Times, 2/27/04)
Barnes Is Kerry Fundraiser And Advisor
Ben Barnes Is Kerry Campaign Vice-Chair, Raising Over $100,000 For Campaign. (Kerry For President Website, www.johnkerry.com/fec/, Accessed 9/4/04)
Barnes Considers John Kerry Close Personal Friend. "Barnes, a government consultant with offices in Austin, Chicago and Washington, said: 'I'm just an enthusiastic participant' who considers as personal friends Corzine, Daschle and Kerry, whom he got to know during summer vacations in Nantucket." (W. Gardner Selby, "Texas' Last 'Old Lion' Still On Prowl For Funds," San Antonio Express-Texas, 7/30/04)
"Texans For Kerry" Website Links To Barnes Video. (Texans For Kerry Website, www.texansforkerry.com/texansforkerry/, Accessed 9/7/04)
Barnes Is Considered "A Definite In" In Kerry Administration. "[Barnes has] known Kerry since the 1980s. 'I don't know who's going to be in and who's going to be out' of a possible Kerry administration, Barnes said. 'But John Kerry has been sympathetic to Texas in the past. ... I would expect him to listen to our problems if he's in the White House.' Barnes is a definite in, though he says he'll keep working as a lobbyist based in Austin." (Jay Root, "Texas Democrats Are Waiting In The Wings," Fort Worth Star Telegram, 7/31/04)
Barnes Owns Home Near Kerry's In Nantucket. "Now a lobbyist and consultant, Barnes has a house near Kerry's in Nantucket, Mass., and committed to Kerry's White House bid nearly three years ago on the grounds of the Nantucket Golf Club." (Jay Root, "Texas Democrats Are Waiting In The Wings," Fort Worth Star Telegram, 7/31/04)
Barnes Is Kerry "Super-Bundler" Fundraiser. "Eleven [Kerry super-bundlers] are from Texas, including Dallas plaintiff's lawyer Fred Baron and lobbyist Ben Barnes, a Lyndon Johnson protégé who served as lieutenant governor and is one of the national Democrat Party's most prodigious fund-raisers. 'If someone had told me last quarter that John Kerry would have raised as much money as he's been able to, I'd have said it couldn't happen. But I'm seeing it happen,' said Mr. Barnes, whose lobby clients have included American Airlines and the chemical giant Huntsman Corp." (Wayne Slater, "Vested Interests In Kerry Lawyers, Lobbyists Top Donors List," Dallas Morning News, 7/26/04)
Opening Night Of Democratic Convention In Boston, "Kerry Adviser And Veteran Political Fund-Raiser"Barnes Hosted Party For Convention-Goers. "On the opening night of the Democratic National Convention, more than 250 well-dressed people strayed from the convention, enjoying bubbly drinks and appetizers such as tablespoon-sized shrimp salads at a party hosted by former Texas Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes. Barnes, a Kerry adviser and veteran political fund-raiser, said he scheduled his event to remind potential donors about the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, which seeks to help Democrats recapture a majority in the U.S. Senate, where the GOP has a two-vote majority." (W. Gardner Selby, "Texas' Last 'Old Lion' Still On Prowl For Funds," San Antonio Express-Texas, 7/30/04)
In October 2003, Barnes Hosted Fundraiser For John Kerry. "Democratic presidential contender John Kerry, counting on the Texas-Massachusetts connection that played better in the 1960s than it did in the 1980s, made three fund-raising stops in Texas on Wednesday as he campaigned toward primary season. Kerry, a senator from Massachusetts, spoke to about 60 supporters at the Four Seasons Hotel here between stops in Dallas and Houston….In introducing Kerry here, former Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes likened him to Kennedy. 'He possesses the talent, the courage, the experience and the depth that will make him, as Jack Kennedy was in 1961, a president that has the determination to lead this country,' Barnes said." (Ken Herman, "Kerry Plays Up Texas' Link To His Home State," Austin American-Statesman, 10/2/03)
Barnes Is A Partisan Democrat
Daschle Called Barnes "The Fifty-First Democratic Senator." "Yet here he is in the rarefied atmosphere of big power and big-time politics -- one of the chief financial and strategic architects of the Democratic resurgence to parity (and subsequently control) in the Senate. Majority leader Tom Daschle has called him 'the fifty-first Democratic senator.'" (Paul Burka, "So What If He Never Got To Be Governor Or President?" Texas Monthly, 9/01)
Barnes Attended Clinton Coffee Intended To Raise $500,000. "Newly released White House documents show that President Clinton's political operatives expected to raise $500,000 from a White House coffee for wealthy Texans in the summer, calling into question Clinton's assertion that 'no price tag was placed' on White House events. In a July 14 memo to White House officials, campaign Chairman Peter Knight suggested adding the Texas coffee klatch to Clinton's schedule as part of an effort to raise $7.8 million in the state. Knight predicted that the event would generate $500,000 in political contributions. About 20 Texans, including former Gov. Dolph Briscoe, Land Commissioner Garry Mauro and former Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes, attended the Aug. 23 get-together with the president." (Ron Hutcheson, "Clinton's Fund-Raising Assertion Questioned," Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 2/27/97)
In 1996, Barnes Endorsed Clinton/Gore '96. (Lisa R. Davis, "CEOs And Business Leaders Endorse President Clinton," Press Release, 10/8/96)
Ben Barnes Has Donated At Least $380,750 To Democratic Candidates And Campaign Bodies Including:
ĂĽ John Kerry For President Inc.
ĂĽ Kerry Committee
ĂĽ Kerry-Edwards 2004 Inc. General Election Legal And Accounting Compliance Fund
ĂĽ A Lot Of People Supporting Tom Daschle Inc.
ĂĽ Bob Graham For President Inc.
ĂĽ Cantwell 2006
ĂĽ Citizens For Biden
ĂĽ Citizens For Sarbanes
ĂĽ Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
ĂĽ Democratic National Committee
ĂĽ Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
ĂĽ Evan Bayh Committee
ĂĽ Friends Of Byron Dorgan
ĂĽ Friends Of Dick Durbin Committee
ĂĽ Friends Of Max Cleland For The US Senate Inc.
ĂĽ Friends Of Schumer
ĂĽ Friends Of Harry Reid
ĂĽ Friends Of Hillary
ĂĽ Friends Of Patrick J Kennedy Inc.
ĂĽ Friends Of Senator Carl Levin
ĂĽ Gephardt For President Inc.
ĂĽ Gore 2000 Inc.
ĂĽ Hillary Rodham Clinton For US Senate Committee Inc.
ĂĽ Joe Lieberman For President Inc.
ĂĽ Kennedy For Senate 2006
ĂĽ Leahy For U.S. Senator Committee
ĂĽ People For Patty Murray US Senate Campaign
ĂĽ Stabenow For US Senate
ĂĽ Tony Knowles For US Senate (Political Money Line Website, http://www.tray.com/, Accessed 9/8/04)
Barnes' Ethical Mishaps
Sharpstown Bank Scandal In 1971 Ended Barnes' Political Career. "The Sharpstown Scandal: This scandal involved quick-profit stock sales for lawmakers and state officials in 1971-72. Houston financier Frank Sharp arranged the stock loans from his Sharpstown State Bank, purportedly to grease the passage of two banking bills. Two dozen former and sitting officials were accused, and others suffered by association. House Speaker Gus Mutscher and another legislator were convicted of conspiring to accept a bribe. Gov. Preston Smith lost the governorship after his profit was disclosed. Half the Texas House was voted out of office or didn't seek re-election. And Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes, a rising political star, was caught in the housecleaning when he tried to win the governor's seat. LBJ had even predicted that Barnes would make it to the White House." (Carolyn Barta, "Texas Has Left A Lasting Mark In The World Of Politics," The Dallas Morning News, 3/4/99)
In 1998, Barnes Was Accused Of Funneling $500,000 To Former Sales Manager Of Corporation Running Texas Lottery. "The former national sales manager for Gtech Holdings Corp., which operates the Texas lottery, was sentenced to 63 months in federal prison Thursday for stealing from the company. …His sentencing two years after his conviction was delayed by a controversy over information released by prosecutors linking him and former Texas Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes to a similar kickback scheme. In a sentencing memo in the Smith case, New Jersey prosecutors alleged that Mr. Barnes, then Gtech's chief Texas lobbyist, funneled $500,000 to Mr. Smith. The memo containing the allegations was posted on the Internet. Mr. Barnes denied that he had done anything wrong, and Judge Politan ordered prosecutors to apologize. In August, they acknowledged that they had disclosed secret information. Mr. Barnes said at the time that the money he gave Mr. Smith was for work not connected to the lottery. Mr. Barnes has never been charged with wrongdoing in connection with the allegation. Gtech bought out Mr. Barnes' contract for $23 million after Texas lottery commissioners questioned Gtech business practices." (George Kuempel, "Ex-Official For Gtech Sentenced," The Dallas Morning News, 10/9/98)Investment Partnership With John Connally Went Bust In 1988 After Connally And Barnes Racked Up $200 Million In Debt. "He joined with his protĂ©gĂ© Ben Barnes, the former lieutenant governor of Texas, to embark on the business of building offices and condominiums and shopping malls, borrowing millions of dollars on the strength of his famous name, arguably the most famous in the state. At the time, Connally's real estate and energy investments appeared to be solid. Oil was selling for $33 a barrel and seemed destined to go higher. Texas was on a roll and John Connally was riding the crest of an economic surge that was making millionaires overnight. But Connally's timing was off. The decline of Texas and the rest of the energy belt began in 1982, just about the time he and Barnes began their spending and borrowing spree in earnest, taking the big chances. Files for Bankruptcy. Five years later, after a fruitless struggle for economic survival, Connally admitted that betting big had been a mistake. On July 31 of last year, he filed for bankruptcy. At the time, he and Barnes owed creditors more than $200 million." (J. Michael Kennedy, "Symbol Of Troubled Texas," Los Angeles Times, 1/22/88)
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Quote of the Day
"Everybody told me, 'God, if you're coming to Canonsburg, you've got to find time to go to Toy's, and he'll take care of you,'" Mr. Kerry said, dropping the name of a restaurant his motorcade had passed on the way in. "I understand it's my kind of place, because you don't have to - you know, when they give you the menu, I'm always struggling: Ah, what do you want?
"He just gives you what he's got, right?" Mr. Kerry added, continuing steadily off a gangplank of his own making: "And you don't have to worry, it's whatever he's cooked up that day. And I think that's the way it ought to work, for confused people like me who can't make up our minds."
John Kerry September 6, 2004
Canonsburg, West Virginia
One More!
Kerry was presented with the semi-automatic shotgun during a Labor Day stop in Racine, West Virginia.
"I thank you for the gift, but I can't take it to the debate with me," Kerry told a cheering crowd as he held up the device.
John Kerry September 6, 2004
West Virginia
Who was it that has been whining about negative attacks and lets talk about the issues?
Maybe it would be appropriate for the Secret Service to investigate this threat directed at the President.
It is very strange that a 20 year senate veteran with little legislative record would accept a gift of a semi-automatic shotgun that Senator Kerry proposed to ban in one of his few legislative sponsors. Just another Flip Flop we should be used to them.
And one final question did Senator Kerry file the required Federal Form 4473 as required by law before accepting the firearms gift?
He hasn't yet filed the forms to release ALL of his military records as the President has, I am certain he hasn't followed the law and filed these forms either.
"He just gives you what he's got, right?" Mr. Kerry added, continuing steadily off a gangplank of his own making: "And you don't have to worry, it's whatever he's cooked up that day. And I think that's the way it ought to work, for confused people like me who can't make up our minds."
John Kerry September 6, 2004
Canonsburg, West Virginia
One More!
Kerry was presented with the semi-automatic shotgun during a Labor Day stop in Racine, West Virginia.
"I thank you for the gift, but I can't take it to the debate with me," Kerry told a cheering crowd as he held up the device.
John Kerry September 6, 2004
West Virginia
Who was it that has been whining about negative attacks and lets talk about the issues?
Maybe it would be appropriate for the Secret Service to investigate this threat directed at the President.
It is very strange that a 20 year senate veteran with little legislative record would accept a gift of a semi-automatic shotgun that Senator Kerry proposed to ban in one of his few legislative sponsors. Just another Flip Flop we should be used to them.
And one final question did Senator Kerry file the required Federal Form 4473 as required by law before accepting the firearms gift?
He hasn't yet filed the forms to release ALL of his military records as the President has, I am certain he hasn't followed the law and filed these forms either.
Friday, September 03, 2004
What a great speech by the President last night. Though the beginning was kind of rough once G W gets on a role he gets into the zone. He is one of the Great Leaders in History.
Followed by the great speech the good jobs report. Lower and lower jobless claims and more new jobs created.
And then the new polling numbers as I predicted earlier in the year to one of the nay sayers "W" would roll to a huge victory. Rasmussen today gives the President a 4 point lead and Time Magazine, not your conservative outlet gives the President a double digit lead 52% to 41%. Not surprising after The John Johns little temper tantrum last night.
Pray for former President Clinton as the media is reporting that he is having open heart surgery and may have suffered a heart attack. Even though I don't agree with Bill Clinton on issues he is still a man in need of a savior and our prayers. It was refreshing and uplifting to here the character of our current President as the crowd in Wisconsin and the rest of the nation to join him in praying for Mr. Clinton.
Followed by the great speech the good jobs report. Lower and lower jobless claims and more new jobs created.
And then the new polling numbers as I predicted earlier in the year to one of the nay sayers "W" would roll to a huge victory. Rasmussen today gives the President a 4 point lead and Time Magazine, not your conservative outlet gives the President a double digit lead 52% to 41%. Not surprising after The John Johns little temper tantrum last night.
Pray for former President Clinton as the media is reporting that he is having open heart surgery and may have suffered a heart attack. Even though I don't agree with Bill Clinton on issues he is still a man in need of a savior and our prayers. It was refreshing and uplifting to here the character of our current President as the crowd in Wisconsin and the rest of the nation to join him in praying for Mr. Clinton.
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Funny Story
Subject: Rats
A tourist walks into a curio shop in San Francisco. Looking around
at the exotics, he notices a very lifelike, life-sized bronze statue
of a rat. It had no price tag, but is so striking he decides he must
have it. He took it to the owner: "How much for the bronze rat?"
"Twelve dollars for the rat, one hundred dollars for the story,"
said the owner.
The tourist gave the man twelve dollars. "I'll just take the rat,
you can keep the story."
As he walked down the street carrying his bronze rat, he noticed
that a few real rats had crawled out of the alleys and sewers and began
following him down the street. This was disconcerting, he began
walking faster. But within a couple blocks, the herd of rats behind
him had grown to hundreds, and they began squealing. He began to
trot toward the Bay, looking around to see that the rats now numbered in the MILLIONS, and were squealing and coming toward him faster and faster. Concerned, even scared, he ran to the edge of the Bay, and threw the bronze rat as far out into the Bay as he could. Amazingly, the millions of rats all jumped into the Bay after it, and were all drowned.
The man walked back to the curio shop. "Ah ha," said the owner,
"you have come back for the story?"
"No," said the man, "I came back to see if you have a bronze
A tourist walks into a curio shop in San Francisco. Looking around
at the exotics, he notices a very lifelike, life-sized bronze statue
of a rat. It had no price tag, but is so striking he decides he must
have it. He took it to the owner: "How much for the bronze rat?"
"Twelve dollars for the rat, one hundred dollars for the story,"
said the owner.
The tourist gave the man twelve dollars. "I'll just take the rat,
you can keep the story."
As he walked down the street carrying his bronze rat, he noticed
that a few real rats had crawled out of the alleys and sewers and began
following him down the street. This was disconcerting, he began
walking faster. But within a couple blocks, the herd of rats behind
him had grown to hundreds, and they began squealing. He began to
trot toward the Bay, looking around to see that the rats now numbered in the MILLIONS, and were squealing and coming toward him faster and faster. Concerned, even scared, he ran to the edge of the Bay, and threw the bronze rat as far out into the Bay as he could. Amazingly, the millions of rats all jumped into the Bay after it, and were all drowned.
The man walked back to the curio shop. "Ah ha," said the owner,
"you have come back for the story?"
"No," said the man, "I came back to see if you have a bronze
Monday, August 23, 2004
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
More Lies
Seems like poor John Kerry can't tell the truth. Remember the story from his Democratic National Convention acceptance speech about Mary Ann Knowles who had to go work everyday during her chemo treatment for cancer because she had no health care. Well this from today's New Hampshire Union Leader:
Editorials - August 10, 2004
The Mary Ann myth:
Kerry falsifies NH woman's story
NEXT TIME John Kerry accuses President Bush of misleading the American people, remember Mary Ann Knowles.
Knowles is the Hudson woman whose battle with breast cancer Kerry has turned into a campaign anecdote. Here is what Kerry said about Knowles during his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention on July 29:
What does it mean when Mary Ann Knowles, a woman with breast cancer I met in New Hampshire, had to keep working day after day right through her chemotherapy, no matter how sick she felt, because she was terrified of losing her family's health insurance? America can do better. And help is on the way.
What it means is that John Kerry is fibbing. As Union Leader correspondent Scott Brooks reported on Sunday, Mary Ann Knowles did not have to work through her chemotherapy for fear of losing her health insurance. Employed by Elderhostel, the Boston-based non-profit travel organization for people 55 and older, Mary Ann had 26 weeks of paid disability at her disposal. More was available for a long-term illness. She did not have to work through her chemotherapy. She chose to.
Knowles would have lost some income had she taken the disability leave, said her husband, who is unemployed. But she would not have lost her health insurance, as Kerry has repeatedly misstated.
Asked if the Kerry campaign bothered to get the details of Knowles personal story, spokeswoman Judy Reardon said Kerry's use of the words every day in describing Knowles story was a colloquialism.She went on: When a woman has a mastectomy and goes through therapy, I don't need to double-check on her.
In other words, Kerry knowingly used the words every day when he did not mean every day,and he used the phrase: she still has to go to work every day just to hang on to their health insurance when she did not have to work every day and was in no danger of losing her health insurance.
In short, he lied. Repeatedly.
With all that has come to light about Kerry's voting record and his Vietnam service, his misrepresentation of Marry Ann Knowles story should surprise few. Kerry cannot even get his own personal history straight, so how can we expect him to correctly relay someone elses?
Editorials - August 10, 2004
The Mary Ann myth:
Kerry falsifies NH woman's story
NEXT TIME John Kerry accuses President Bush of misleading the American people, remember Mary Ann Knowles.
Knowles is the Hudson woman whose battle with breast cancer Kerry has turned into a campaign anecdote. Here is what Kerry said about Knowles during his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention on July 29:
What does it mean when Mary Ann Knowles, a woman with breast cancer I met in New Hampshire, had to keep working day after day right through her chemotherapy, no matter how sick she felt, because she was terrified of losing her family's health insurance? America can do better. And help is on the way.
What it means is that John Kerry is fibbing. As Union Leader correspondent Scott Brooks reported on Sunday, Mary Ann Knowles did not have to work through her chemotherapy for fear of losing her health insurance. Employed by Elderhostel, the Boston-based non-profit travel organization for people 55 and older, Mary Ann had 26 weeks of paid disability at her disposal. More was available for a long-term illness. She did not have to work through her chemotherapy. She chose to.
Knowles would have lost some income had she taken the disability leave, said her husband, who is unemployed. But she would not have lost her health insurance, as Kerry has repeatedly misstated.
Asked if the Kerry campaign bothered to get the details of Knowles personal story, spokeswoman Judy Reardon said Kerry's use of the words every day in describing Knowles story was a colloquialism.She went on: When a woman has a mastectomy and goes through therapy, I don't need to double-check on her.
In other words, Kerry knowingly used the words every day when he did not mean every day,and he used the phrase: she still has to go to work every day just to hang on to their health insurance when she did not have to work every day and was in no danger of losing her health insurance.
In short, he lied. Repeatedly.
With all that has come to light about Kerry's voting record and his Vietnam service, his misrepresentation of Marry Ann Knowles story should surprise few. Kerry cannot even get his own personal history straight, so how can we expect him to correctly relay someone elses?
The truth seems to always come out!

Oh if it wasn't true why does we fight so hard to stop it? Why not follow the lead of the President and his leadership. After countless lie filled attack pieces President Bush just goes about his job of leading this country and refuses to be acknowledge the lies. But if as the Kerry campaign claims these are all lies why fight so hard and threaten lawsuits to keep the book and the ads from coming out.
Sixty former service men who served with Kerry give first hand accounts that differ with Mr. Kerry's nine (9) or ten (10) if you count Mr.Rassman who spent one (1) day with John Kerry in Vietnam. Sixty first hand accounts that differ from the nine who support Mr. Kerry.
Why would he not want to afford the right to speak and be heard to these other sixty fellow Vietnam veteran Brothers.
One way to solve these conflicting opinions! That is for Senator Kerry to release ALL of his Vietnam records as he promised to due on Meet the Press back in April. This would sure clear up many questions as would the release of his "War Journals" penned in his own hand while in Vietnam for 4 short months, which small portions were excerpted in Douglas Brinkley's "Tour of Duty". This would easily clear up the "Christmas in Cambodia" story were Mr. Kerry was allegedly in Cambodia listing to Presidents Nixon's Christmas message in 1968. Although Nixon was not President during Christmas of 1969, ops.
Just a few months ago the Kerry campaign was demanding the release of all of the Presidents National guard records which cleared any trumped up questions. It seems only fair that Mr. Kerry would want to clear up any legitimate questions regarding his truthfulness and service wouldn't it?
Saturday, July 31, 2004
How REAL veteran's and soldiers feel about Kerry!
The New York Post has a really good piece on a brush with REAL soldiers Mr. Kerry and Edwards had at a Photo Op for billionaire's to try and look like real average American's yesterday in a Wendy's in Scranton Pa:
John Kerry's heavily hyped cross-country bus tour stumbled out of the blocks yesterday, as a group of Marines publicly dissed the Vietnam War hero in the middle of a crowded restaurant.
Kerry was treating running mate Sen. John Edwards and his wife, Elizabeth, to a Wendy's lunch in Newburgh, N.Y., for their 27th wedding anniversary an Edwards family tradition when the candidate approached four Marines and asked them questions.
The Marines two in uniform and two off-duty were polite but curt while chatting with Kerry, answering most of his questions with a "yes, sir" or "no, sir."
But they turned downright nasty after the Massachusetts senator thanked them "for their service" and left.
"He imposed on us and I disagree with him coming over here shaking our hands," one Marine said, adding, "I'm 100 percent against [him]."
A sergeant with 10 years of service under his belt said, "I speak for all of us. We think that we are doing the right thing in Iraq," before saying he is to be deployed there in a few weeks and is "eager" to go and serve.
Pretty much sums it up for how the military feels about Kerry.
John Kerry's heavily hyped cross-country bus tour stumbled out of the blocks yesterday, as a group of Marines publicly dissed the Vietnam War hero in the middle of a crowded restaurant.
Kerry was treating running mate Sen. John Edwards and his wife, Elizabeth, to a Wendy's lunch in Newburgh, N.Y., for their 27th wedding anniversary an Edwards family tradition when the candidate approached four Marines and asked them questions.
The Marines two in uniform and two off-duty were polite but curt while chatting with Kerry, answering most of his questions with a "yes, sir" or "no, sir."
But they turned downright nasty after the Massachusetts senator thanked them "for their service" and left.
"He imposed on us and I disagree with him coming over here shaking our hands," one Marine said, adding, "I'm 100 percent against [him]."
A sergeant with 10 years of service under his belt said, "I speak for all of us. We think that we are doing the right thing in Iraq," before saying he is to be deployed there in a few weeks and is "eager" to go and serve.
Pretty much sums it up for how the military feels about Kerry.
Friday, July 30, 2004
What Bounce?
Alazeera is reporting today that Abu Musab Zarqawi has been captured! We have had reports of this from them before, but if this report is true, and right now Americans forces are awaiting DNA confirmation from the un-cooperative prisoner, that would just about negate any bounce Kerry may have received from his unimpressive speech. He did do a good job of attempting to co-op the Bush/Cheney themes from 2000.
Amazingly Tom Oliphant a staunch Kerry supporter gave the dull speech last night a thumbs down.
Also Diana West has a really good piece on the Kerry intro film last night which featured many of the fabricated and re-enacted scenes from John Kerry and his travelin' buddies. After they all came out on stage to introduce him last night I was waiting on them to pull out a American Flag and burn it so Kerry would fill right at home.
Most of the Dem's that I have talked to this week are having a big case of buyers remorse. They fill robbed and cheated and long for the days of conventions that really meant something and was not just a extrememakeover for the nominee.
Why was there no mention of Kerry's 20 year senate career last night in the bio-film? Also why did the quickly gloss over his leadership role in the anti-war movement? Could it be this will not sell with Midwest and swing state voters? If one is so proud of their senate career why not run on it?
Question of the day name one piece of major legislasion which carries Senator Kerry's name.
Answer; you want find one.
One last thought did Jimmy Carter hanging out with Ted Kennedy before his speech? He was really slurring his words like Ted.
Amazingly Tom Oliphant a staunch Kerry supporter gave the dull speech last night a thumbs down.
Also Diana West has a really good piece on the Kerry intro film last night which featured many of the fabricated and re-enacted scenes from John Kerry and his travelin' buddies. After they all came out on stage to introduce him last night I was waiting on them to pull out a American Flag and burn it so Kerry would fill right at home.
Most of the Dem's that I have talked to this week are having a big case of buyers remorse. They fill robbed and cheated and long for the days of conventions that really meant something and was not just a extrememakeover for the nominee.
Why was there no mention of Kerry's 20 year senate career last night in the bio-film? Also why did the quickly gloss over his leadership role in the anti-war movement? Could it be this will not sell with Midwest and swing state voters? If one is so proud of their senate career why not run on it?
Question of the day name one piece of major legislasion which carries Senator Kerry's name.
Answer; you want find one.
One last thought did Jimmy Carter hanging out with Ted Kennedy before his speech? He was really slurring his words like Ted.
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Monday, July 26, 2004
I knew it was only a matter of time
I knew it wouldn't be long until John Kerry created his own "Dukakis Tank Photo" moment and today was the day as he put on a workers outfit at the Kennedy Space Center.
While are talking about looking like a total idiot, did you see the out of control, crazed Teresa Heinz-Kerry as she told a reporter from her home town of Pittsburgh to "shove it" after he accurately quoted the "Queen of Diamond's" of referring to people who don't believe as she does as "un-American". Maybe a better definition of un-American is a woman and her husband, who aspires to be president, who lies and protest's against his fellow Americans who are fighting a war while he fabricates injuries to get out after only 4 months. Or a couple who exported over 75% of the Heinz products factories overseas outsourcing millions of jobs to foreign lands.
But back to the attack by Teresa on the reporter, maybe it is time for John to up her medication to prevent such outburst. Wow what a classy first lady she would make!
Watching the John Kerry Democrat's Extreme Makeover tonight it is apparent that some will sleep with a snake to gain absolute power. Gore (Sore Loserman), Carter (second worst president ever), and Slick Willy (worst president of all time, the one who Bush inherited the recession that his tax policies have brought us out of and into the greatest economic recovery in 20 years). What is this the first time in 20 years that poor ol' Jimmy has been asked back?
By the way a new Washington Post / ABC News Poll out Tuesday morning will show that even as John Kerry's big Extreme Makeover is beginning he is losing support rapidly. Usually the guy the convention is for gains ground but it looks like "W" is gaining and has passed the John/John's during their party.
In the new poll the president's approval rating is at or above 50%! No incumbent has ever lost re-election when their approval rating is at or above 50%.
One final thought it was truly amazing to watch the draft dodger Bill Clinton praising John Kerry for his service in Vietnam. This from a man and party that loathes the military? When Bill uttered the words "send me, send me" I could just envision John Kerry with another scratch on his arm yelling "I got another purple heart, send me, send me home."

While are talking about looking like a total idiot, did you see the out of control, crazed Teresa Heinz-Kerry as she told a reporter from her home town of Pittsburgh to "shove it" after he accurately quoted the "Queen of Diamond's" of referring to people who don't believe as she does as "un-American". Maybe a better definition of un-American is a woman and her husband, who aspires to be president, who lies and protest's against his fellow Americans who are fighting a war while he fabricates injuries to get out after only 4 months. Or a couple who exported over 75% of the Heinz products factories overseas outsourcing millions of jobs to foreign lands.

But back to the attack by Teresa on the reporter, maybe it is time for John to up her medication to prevent such outburst. Wow what a classy first lady she would make!
Watching the John Kerry Democrat's Extreme Makeover tonight it is apparent that some will sleep with a snake to gain absolute power. Gore (Sore Loserman), Carter (second worst president ever), and Slick Willy (worst president of all time, the one who Bush inherited the recession that his tax policies have brought us out of and into the greatest economic recovery in 20 years). What is this the first time in 20 years that poor ol' Jimmy has been asked back?
By the way a new Washington Post / ABC News Poll out Tuesday morning will show that even as John Kerry's big Extreme Makeover is beginning he is losing support rapidly. Usually the guy the convention is for gains ground but it looks like "W" is gaining and has passed the John/John's during their party.
In the new poll the president's approval rating is at or above 50%! No incumbent has ever lost re-election when their approval rating is at or above 50%.
One final thought it was truly amazing to watch the draft dodger Bill Clinton praising John Kerry for his service in Vietnam. This from a man and party that loathes the military? When Bill uttered the words "send me, send me" I could just envision John Kerry with another scratch on his arm yelling "I got another purple heart, send me, send me home."
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Kerry & Hillary's dirty trickster
CNN.com reports on a salacious political scandal from New Jersey. It seems that Charles Kushner, a "real estate developer and political fund-raiser," has been charged with "conspiracy, obstruction of justice and interstate promotion of prostitution":
The indictment alleges that Kushner initiated "a scheme to orchestrate a covert videotaped seduction" of the cooperating male witness in an attempt to thwart the investigation.
The indictment says Kushner recruited two individuals to hire a woman to have sex with the male witness and later instructed them to mail the videotape to the man's wife, who was the other cooperating witness in the investigation.
Hmm, so he's a political fund-raiser. For which party? we wonder. Well, there's nothing about it in the first paragraph, or the second, or the third, or . . . Ah! There it is in paragraph 13:
Kushner contributed to the campaigns of several prominent Democrats, including Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York, Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts and Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, according to FEC records. . . .
Kushner was a top fund-raiser for New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey, a Democrat, said the governor's spokeswoman, Kathy Ellis.
The Associated Press manages to outdo even CNN; its 18-paragraph dispatch on the story makes no mention whatever of Kushner and McGreevy's party affiliation.
The indictment alleges that Kushner initiated "a scheme to orchestrate a covert videotaped seduction" of the cooperating male witness in an attempt to thwart the investigation.
The indictment says Kushner recruited two individuals to hire a woman to have sex with the male witness and later instructed them to mail the videotape to the man's wife, who was the other cooperating witness in the investigation.
Hmm, so he's a political fund-raiser. For which party? we wonder. Well, there's nothing about it in the first paragraph, or the second, or the third, or . . . Ah! There it is in paragraph 13:
Kushner contributed to the campaigns of several prominent Democrats, including Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York, Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts and Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, according to FEC records. . . .
Kushner was a top fund-raiser for New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey, a Democrat, said the governor's spokeswoman, Kathy Ellis.
The Associated Press manages to outdo even CNN; its 18-paragraph dispatch on the story makes no mention whatever of Kushner and McGreevy's party affiliation.
Monday, July 12, 2004
Truth II
Seems that the John-John tour can't seem to be truthful either. The Washington Post, again not your conservative paper, in an article entitled "Kerry Vows to Restore "Truth" to the Presidency", highlights a couple of the more recent Kerry/Edwards lies in one story!
First this section of the piece:
President Bush has governed in a dishonest fashion, trampling values on every issue except fighting terrorism and leaving voters "clamoring for restoration of credibility and trust in the White House again," John F. Kerry and John Edwards said in an interview. ...
"We have not stood up and attacked our opponents in personal ways," Kerry said.
This week alone, Kerry has criticized Bush personally in speeches for lying, professional laziness, waiting until right before the election to indict Enron Corp.'s former chief executive, Kenneth L. Lay, lacking values and even having worse hair than the two Democrats. Some advisers are privately counseling Kerry to tone down his attacks on Bush.
And secondly from last weeks XRATED, Profanity laced Campaign fundraiser that Kerry and Edwards had time for, but didn't have time for a Homeland Security Briefing. This section from the piece about the crude campaign fundraiser:
Whoopi Goldberg delivered an X-rated rant full of sexual innuendoes against President Bush last night at a Radio City gala that raised $7.5 million for the newly minted Democratic ticket of John Kerry and John Edwards.
Waving a bottle of wine, she fired off a stream of vulgar sexual wordplays on Bush's name in a riff about female genitalia, and boasted that she'd refused to let Team Kerry clear her material. ...
Singer John Mellencamp sang a specially written song that called the president "just another cheap thug" and ridiculed him as the "Texas bambino." ...
Also on the Bush-bashing team was comedian Chevy Chase, who claimed the president is dumb as "an egg-timer" and said Edwards will make Vice President Dick Cheney look "as bright as a bundt cake" when they debate next fall. Latin comedian John Leguizamo said he refuses to believe there are any Hispanic Republicans, claiming that's "an oxymoron," because "Latins for Republicans - it's like roaches for Raid." ...
Kerry could be seen laughing uproariously during part of Goldberg's tirade - and neither he nor Edwards voiced a single objection to its tone when they spoke to the crowd. They hailed the fund-raiser as a great event. Edwards said it was "a great honor" to be there and insisted, "This campaign will be a celebration of real American values."
And what was Kerry and Edwards reply when questioned about the mean spirited and vulgar event:
The Democratic nominee and his running mate said it was that kind of anger toward the president that prompted entertainers at Thursday's Democratic fundraising concert in New York to attack Bush as a "cheap thug" and a killer. "Obviously some performers, in my judgment and John's, stepped over a line neither of us believes appropriate, but we can't control that," Kerry said. "On the other hand, we understand the anger, we understand the frustration."
If you can't take control of what happens at one of your on campaign events, how will you ever control what happens in your administration?
First this section of the piece:
President Bush has governed in a dishonest fashion, trampling values on every issue except fighting terrorism and leaving voters "clamoring for restoration of credibility and trust in the White House again," John F. Kerry and John Edwards said in an interview. ...
"We have not stood up and attacked our opponents in personal ways," Kerry said.
This week alone, Kerry has criticized Bush personally in speeches for lying, professional laziness, waiting until right before the election to indict Enron Corp.'s former chief executive, Kenneth L. Lay, lacking values and even having worse hair than the two Democrats. Some advisers are privately counseling Kerry to tone down his attacks on Bush.
And secondly from last weeks XRATED, Profanity laced Campaign fundraiser that Kerry and Edwards had time for, but didn't have time for a Homeland Security Briefing. This section from the piece about the crude campaign fundraiser:
Whoopi Goldberg delivered an X-rated rant full of sexual innuendoes against President Bush last night at a Radio City gala that raised $7.5 million for the newly minted Democratic ticket of John Kerry and John Edwards.
Waving a bottle of wine, she fired off a stream of vulgar sexual wordplays on Bush's name in a riff about female genitalia, and boasted that she'd refused to let Team Kerry clear her material. ...
Singer John Mellencamp sang a specially written song that called the president "just another cheap thug" and ridiculed him as the "Texas bambino." ...
Also on the Bush-bashing team was comedian Chevy Chase, who claimed the president is dumb as "an egg-timer" and said Edwards will make Vice President Dick Cheney look "as bright as a bundt cake" when they debate next fall. Latin comedian John Leguizamo said he refuses to believe there are any Hispanic Republicans, claiming that's "an oxymoron," because "Latins for Republicans - it's like roaches for Raid." ...
Kerry could be seen laughing uproariously during part of Goldberg's tirade - and neither he nor Edwards voiced a single objection to its tone when they spoke to the crowd. They hailed the fund-raiser as a great event. Edwards said it was "a great honor" to be there and insisted, "This campaign will be a celebration of real American values."
And what was Kerry and Edwards reply when questioned about the mean spirited and vulgar event:
The Democratic nominee and his running mate said it was that kind of anger toward the president that prompted entertainers at Thursday's Democratic fundraising concert in New York to attack Bush as a "cheap thug" and a killer. "Obviously some performers, in my judgment and John's, stepped over a line neither of us believes appropriate, but we can't control that," Kerry said. "On the other hand, we understand the anger, we understand the frustration."
If you can't take control of what happens at one of your on campaign events, how will you ever control what happens in your administration?
The President told the Truth...Case Closed!
There is an old saying that those who live in class houses shouldn't throw stones. The point to be made is if you are not telling the truth you certainly should not call someone else a liar.
Well with last weeks release of the alleged (one of my favorite words) report on the CIA we have found out that Joseph Wilson the husband of the allegedly outted CIA operative (although everyone knew she was a CIA operative and had outted herself on her 2000 tax returns by using here CIA cover employment and life to claim a political donation to the Gore campaign)was and is THE REAL LAIR not President Bush. It seems that Mr. Wilson was very fast and loose with the facts on his trip to Niger.
He said that his wife had nothing to do with his being asked to go on the trip and investigate. Liar the fact is that she personally asked that he be sent on the mission.
Mr. Wilson said that his report totally dismissed the administrations claim of the Iraqis attempt to buy "Yellowcake Uranium" from Niger. Liar all the time that Mr. Wilson was making the rounds of talk shows, doing Vanity Fair articles and selling his lying book, the truth is that his report not only supported the administrations case but it bolstered the case for the state of the union statement. You know the 16 word one "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." , the Dem's tried to use unsuccessfully to paint President Bush as a liar. Shoes on the other foot now.
Not only do the British government stand behind the intelligence but as did the British Parliamentary investigation backed up in September 2003, but this week the Butler commission in Great Britain will also confirm the evidence. The Financial Times has backed up the Niger sales to Iraq in recent days.
The Senate Report says that Joseph Wilson Flat Out Lied to the Media. You can read the Senate Report in PDF format here.
The are a number of great articles in the media today that your can read about the lies of Joseph Wilson, there is a great one in the Washington Post not a conservative Bush Administration supporter, Clifford May has an excellent piece, or just read the Senate Report.
what's done in darkness will be brought to light.
Now we know that the Dem's plan to paint the President as a liar was just that a lie and a failure, President Bush is not a liar Joseph Wilson and the DNC are the real Lairs.
Well with last weeks release of the alleged (one of my favorite words) report on the CIA we have found out that Joseph Wilson the husband of the allegedly outted CIA operative (although everyone knew she was a CIA operative and had outted herself on her 2000 tax returns by using here CIA cover employment and life to claim a political donation to the Gore campaign)was and is THE REAL LAIR not President Bush. It seems that Mr. Wilson was very fast and loose with the facts on his trip to Niger.
He said that his wife had nothing to do with his being asked to go on the trip and investigate. Liar the fact is that she personally asked that he be sent on the mission.
Mr. Wilson said that his report totally dismissed the administrations claim of the Iraqis attempt to buy "Yellowcake Uranium" from Niger. Liar all the time that Mr. Wilson was making the rounds of talk shows, doing Vanity Fair articles and selling his lying book, the truth is that his report not only supported the administrations case but it bolstered the case for the state of the union statement. You know the 16 word one "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." , the Dem's tried to use unsuccessfully to paint President Bush as a liar. Shoes on the other foot now.
Not only do the British government stand behind the intelligence but as did the British Parliamentary investigation backed up in September 2003, but this week the Butler commission in Great Britain will also confirm the evidence. The Financial Times has backed up the Niger sales to Iraq in recent days.
The Senate Report says that Joseph Wilson Flat Out Lied to the Media. You can read the Senate Report in PDF format here.
The are a number of great articles in the media today that your can read about the lies of Joseph Wilson, there is a great one in the Washington Post not a conservative Bush Administration supporter, Clifford May has an excellent piece, or just read the Senate Report.
what's done in darkness will be brought to light.
Now we know that the Dem's plan to paint the President as a liar was just that a lie and a failure, President Bush is not a liar Joseph Wilson and the DNC are the real Lairs.
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